editor freeware downloads
BDV Notepad
5.2 freeware downloadBDV Notepad is lightweight but feature-rich plain text editor and can be used as a replacement for ... designed for developers or Web-designers only. This text editor may help everyone, who works with plain text ...
Notepad X
2.1.2 freeware downloadA powerful, tabbed text editor that can successfully replace Notepad Notepad X is an alternative open source text editor for Microsoft Windows, with a lot of customization ...
BowPad Portable
2.9.4 freeware download... Stefan Küng, is a versatile and lightweight text editor designed to cater to the needs of both ... choice for users who need a reliable text editor that performs well even on older or less ...
1.52 freeware downloadVector graphics editor for designing greeting card logos using various closed ... in Java and rendered using Bezier curves. The editor supports multiple configurable objects superimposed on each other, ...
Notepad3 freeware downloadNotepad3, a swift, Scintilla-based text editor, excels in syntax highlighting, rendering it a superior replacement for the default Windows text editor. While Windows Notepad is known for its lightness ...
2.031 freeware download... Zimmermann, is a sophisticated and robust Windows Registry editor designed for both novice users and seasoned IT ... the standard capabilities expected from a high-quality registry editor, including the ability to view, edit, and manage ...
BabelPad freeware downloadBabelPad is a free Unicode text editor for Windows that supports the proper rendering of most complex scripts, and allows you to assign different fonts ...
5.2.4 freeware downloadSubEthaEdit is a powerful and lean text editor. And it's the only collaborative one that is ... but even fun… Looking for a text editor that is designed by people actually caring about ...
4.28 freeware downloadFree PCB Layout editor : - Easy to use - Large number ... featured - 3D view - User-friendly component types editor - You can increase or decrease pad size ...
AB-Edit freeware downloadAB-Edit is the comfortable text editor for work with multiple documents. Lots of usefull features, i.e. Drag'n'Drop, unlimited Undo/Redo, colored Syntax Highlighting for more than ...
1.0 freeware downloadSayPad, the freeware talking text editor can read you a good book or help ... Say Pad is a keyboard driven talking text editor. Most of the controls are similar to any ...
4.2.25 freeware download... principle, being a fast, small and free text editor with syntax highlighting for HTML and other common languages. Features: Customizable syntax highlighting: · ...
Notepad2 64-bit
4.2.25 freeware download... principle, being a fast, small and free text editor with syntax highlighting for HTML and other common languages. Features: Customizable syntax highlighting: · ...
2.05 freeware downloadUniRed is Unicode editor of simple ("plain") text. It can edit texts with charsets UTF-8, UTF-16, Windows and DOS system charsets, and many other charsets. ...
Minimum Profit for Linux
5.61 freeware downloadMinimum Profit is a reliable and highly-featured text editor designed especially for programmers. Features: Fully scriptable using a C-like scripting language. Unlimited undo ...
0.54 freeware downloadQfsm is a graphical editor for finite state machines written in C++ using Qt the graphical Toolkit from Trolltech. Finite state machines are a ...
Code Writer freeware downloadCode Writer is a free text and code editor app for the Windows 8/10 platform, downloadable from ... the app to be used as a default editor for various file types Options for theme, font ...
CudaText freeware downloadCudaText is a cross-platform code editor. Features include: - Syntax highlight for many languages: C, C++, Java, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, PHP, Python, XML... All common ...
Notebook PEA
1.7 freeware download... open source password-encryption tool with a built-in text editor, that handles texts in Rich Text Format. The ... cloud providers are supported. Thanks to the embedded editor, the unencrypted text must be never stored on ...
Bird freeware downloadBird is UNICODE-based text editor that you can create and edit the text ... original, you can copy those texts from that editor and paste here then save it. Those texts ...
4.2 freeware download... video/photo converter to avi/mpeg/flv. It is an video editor too. Has special effects like ... Transitions (Flippage,Swirl...) Basic Effects (Brightness/Noise/Fade in/Fade out) Advanced Effects (Distort, ...
2.4 freeware download... a calendar with the ease of a text editor. DatePad can be used in a large number of ways. It's main function is to store ...
CodeLobster PHP Edition
5.15 freeware download... is a free portable handy and easy-in-use code editor that is primarily intended for quick and easy creation and editing of PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript ...
0.5.390 freeware downloadCryptoTE is an easy to use text editor with integrated strong cryptography. It is based on the popular Scintilla widget and automatically stores text data ...
2.3.1 freeware download... no convert button is required .:. Includes equation editor to add your own custom units .:. Allows you to select/unselect the conversion file(s) .:. Can ...