editor freeware downloads
2.00 freeware downloadRuneText is a handy and lightweight text editor, with a more appealing interface than Notepad and ... writting letters etc. RuneText is a brilliant text editor that you must try out! The Runebar ...
iRuneText for Mac and Linux
2.00 freeware downloadiRuneText is a handy and lightweight text editor, with a more appealing interface than Notepad and ... writting letters etc. iRuneText is a brilliant text editor that you must try out! The Runebar ...
3.2.2 freeware downloadAegisub is a general-purpose, open-source SubStation Alpha subtitle editor that was created to help in many aspects ... Aegisub is now the most advanced SSA/ASS subtitle editor in the world. A comprehensive manual (including ...
2.2.3 freeware downloadCSVed is an easy and powerful CSV file editor, you can manipulate any CSV file, separated with any separator. some features: * edit, ...
4.994 freeware downloadTypeit! is a Free Malayalam language editor, where you can type and edit documents in Malayalam. Typeit! supports five Malayalam Keyboards. They are Inscript ...
Portable Inkscape
1.3.2 freeware downloadAbout Inkscape An Open Source vector graphics editor, with capabilities similar to Illustrator, CorelDraw, or Xara ... Inkscape is an Open Source vector graphics editor, with capabilities similar to Illustrator, Freehand, CorelDraw, or ...
Portable PlainEdit.NET
1.5 freeware downloadPlainEdit is a text editor for ANSI, UTF-8 and Unicode files. Syntax highlighting is supported for the most common Web, script and programming languages. Many ...
Portable CSVed
2.2.3 freeware downloadCSVed is an easy and powerful CSV file editor, you can manipulate any CSV file, separated with any separator. some features: * edit, ...
Aegisub 64-bit
3.2.2 freeware download... 64-bit is a general-purpose, open-source SubStation Alpha subtitle editor that was created to help in many aspects ... Aegisub is now the most advanced SSA/ASS subtitle editor in the world. A comprehensive manual (including ...
Aegisub for Mac
3.2.2 freeware download... Mac is a general-purpose, open-source SubStation Alpha subtitle editor that was created to help in many aspects ... Aegisub is now the most advanced SSA/ASS subtitle editor in the world. A comprehensive manual (including ...
3.06 freeware download... is a simple and easy to use MP3 editor. Use it to improve your MP3 collection. What exactly can mpTrim do for you? ...
2.6 freeware downloadHexplorer is a hexadecimal file editor that will offer many features: * 6 ... * Fullscreen mode * Flexibility of common text editor ...
7.1.0 freeware downloadHexEdit is powerfull hexadecimal editor with following features: * MDI interface * Data Inspector * Calculator * File Compare * Memory Dumper * Disk ...
Stereo Movie Maker
1.30a freeware download... was designed to be a versatile stereo movie editor and stereo movie player. Features: · Drag-and-drop movies onto the SMM window or shortcut. ...
3.3.9 freeware download... is a free PSTricks code generator or PSTricks editor for LateX distributed under the GNU GPL. LaTeXDraw is developed in java, so it's independent of ...
2015.04.00 Beta freeware downloadEdytorNC is text editor for CNC programmers. Some features : bolt holes calculation; solutions of triangles calculation; speed, feed calculation; conversion inch/mm, mm/inch; code colorizing; ...
Programmer's Notepad freeware downloadProgrammer's Notepad is a very powerful text editor featuring syntax highlighting, project management, a great UI and much more. Features: · Bookmarks (both ...
Portable Programmer's Notepad freeware downloadProgrammer's Notepad is a very powerful text editor featuring syntax highlighting, project management, a great UI and much more. Features: · Bookmarks (both ...
Portable FreeVimager
9.9.25 freeware download... is a versatile and lightweight image viewer and editor developed by Oliver Pfister. Designed with user-friendliness and ... in need of a portable image viewer and editor. Its combination of functionality, ease of use, and ...
1.8 freeware download... fast and flexible combined nfo viewer and text editor. It is a clone of Microsoft's Notepad but much more customizable and with some additional features. ...
2.4 freeware downloadA full-featured Java/.NET Vietnamese Unicode text editor. Open, edit, convert, print, and save Vietnamese text-based files in Unicode formats. VietPad is released and distributed ...
Fotografix Portable
1.5 Rev 2 freeware downloadFotografix is a lightweight image editor with support for many common features as well as a few advanced ones. Features: * Painting tools including ...
NFOpad Portable
1.68 freeware download... fast and flexible combined nfo viewer and text editor. It is a clone of Microsoft's Notepad but with extra settings, and support for nfo files. ...
0.98.5 freeware downloadThis program is a Easy to use Csv Editor. The program has built in file format detection ... be added). As well as Csv files, the editor can View / Update Xml, GNU-GetText-PO and SwingX-Tip ...
MultiCode freeware download... you to execute the code immediately from the editor (additional software may be needed). It is also a useful replacement for Notepad. Features: ...