exe freeware downloads
Extended File Details
1.0 freeware downloadExtended File Details is a free and portable tool to display and save file properties. Now you can view the file details and can save this ...
3.0 freeware downloadHJSplit is a popular set of freeware file-splitting programs created by Freebyte.com in collaboration with various programmers. HJSplit supports many platforms (Windows XP, 7, Vista, NT, ...
Universal Extractor
1.6.1 rev 11 freeware downloadUniversal Extractor is a program do to exactly what it says: extract files from any type of archive, whether it's a simple zip file, an installation ...
Phenom II Tweaker
1.1 freeware downloadPhenom II Tweaker is a utility for modifying the reported CPUID, instruction set's and CPU name, moreover some settings that is useful for optimizing and testing ...
Mouse Monitor
4.9 freeware downloadMouse Monitor shows statistics on the use of the mouse. This gadget is for fun only, but we like it :) It needs a small library ...
DP Multicrypt
2.0 freeware downloadDP-Multicrypt is a filecrypther with drag and drop support: Multicrypt might the following cipher: Blowfish, Cast256, IDEA, Mars, RC4, Twofish, RC6, Rijndael with the full keysize ...
2.78 B1094 freeware downloadTry one of the best multimedia players in the world. BS.Player is a free video and media player that's been around in several versions for ...
Chameleon Startup Manager Lite freeware downloadChameleon Startup Manager Lite is a Windows startup manager that accelerates Windows startup, ensures that the operating system is more stable. It disables any startup programs ...
7.36 freeware download... support Compression: Supported formats: ZIP, 7Z(lzma2), ZIPX(xz), EXE(sfx), TAR, TGZ, LZH(lh7), ISO(joliet), GZ and XZ ZIP file modification (add/delete/rename) Up to 6 times faster ...
nLite freeware downloadnLite - Windows Installation Customizer Have you ever wanted to remove Windows components like Media Player, Internet Explorer, Outlook Express, MSN Explorer, Messenger... How ...
SSuite Mac Dock For PC freeware downloadSSuite Mac Dock is a very simple Windows utility designed to create a Mac OS X-like dock on your desktop, allowing you to launch certain programs ...
SSuite Office MonoBase freeware downloadSSuite MonoBase database with full 32 bit ODBC connectivity. Supports SQL to any connected database for administration, command execution, and table creation. Create your own personal ...
ExifTool GUI for Windows
6.3.8 freeware download... Case A: rename exiftool(-k) to exiftool (=don't add exe extension!) Case B: rename exiftool(-k).exe to exiftool.exe (=keep exe extension!) Now copy renamed exiftool file into Windows ...
AVCHDCalculator for Windows
1.2 freeware download... AVCHDCalculator is released in different files. There are exe files for windows and a jar file for Mac OS X and Linux. AVCHDCalculator.exe (Windows) ...
AVCHDCalculator for Linux
1.2 freeware download... AVCHDCalculator is released in different files. There are exe files for windows and a jar file for Mac OS X and Linux. AVCHDCalculator.exe (Windows) ...
AVCHDCalculator for Mac OS X
1.2 freeware download... AVCHDCalculator is released in different files. There are exe files for windows and a jar file for Mac OS X and Linux. AVCHDCalculator.exe (Windows) ...
2.0.0 freeware downloadIf you doubleclick on a jar file, and your Java application does not start, your .jar association has been hijacked. You can fix the problem with ...
5.7.14 freeware downloadFastCopy is the Fastest Copy/Delete Software on Windows. It can copy/delete unicode and over MAX_PATH(260byte) pathname files. Automatically, after whether the copy origin and copy ...
1.21 freeware downloadJADMaker creates a JAD file for your .JAR Java Games, so that you can install them to your mobile phone. Features: * simple DRAG ...
MediaCodeSpeedEdit freeware downloadMediaCodeSpeedEdit allows you to change the write speed for your media and to add new media codes to your firmware by renaming an already available media ...
1.07 freeware downloadBluetoothCL is a small console application that dumps all current detected bluetooth devices into the standard output. For each Bluetooth device, the following information is displayed: ...
Portable Defraggler
2.22.995 freeware download... and Recuva). This results in a compact single EXE application, which can be copied to a thumbdrive ... need it, without a complex installation process. The EXE itself is less than 1MB! Vista Support: 64-bit ...
USB Autorun
1.1.2 freeware download... run any files as in command prompt eg. exe-files, bat-files including del, copy, xcopy commands ...
Win32/Virut Remover freeware downloadWith Win32/Virut Remover you'll be able to get rid of the virus infection in no time. All you need to do is download the two files ...
Satsuki Decoder Pack freeware downloadThe pack in now splitted in 3 files, the main pack, a wm module and a quicktime module. As explained on the decoder pack page, you ...