exe freeware downloads
Flippagemaker Free Paper Flip Maker
1.0.0 freeware download... the flash diary in different version: HTML, ZIP, EXE or even burn to CD. Free Paper Flip Maker is worth having a try. It is ...
Norton Satellite for Windows 8 freeware downloadScan your personal cloud for viruses and malicious links. Save and share safely with Norton Satellite. Designed and optimized for Windows 8, it lets you manually ...
Boxoft Free FlipBook Creator
1.0 freeware download... can move to publish it as HTML, ZIP, EXE and CD-ROM. If you would like to share the interesting flipping book to friends or colleges ...
4.3 freeware downloadFCMP.EXE compares two files, reporting whether or not they are the same. Usage FCMP [/e#] [/f] [/i#] [/n#] [/nologo] [/s] [/sdo] [/snp] file1 file2 ...
Free App Lock
6.0.4 freeware downloadFree App Lock is an innovative application encryptor, which allows you to lock any executable programs with password from non-authorized execution to block other clients from ...
Free File Encrypter
6.0.4 freeware download... of any types like audio, video, text, images, EXE programs, etc. in few clicks for both home and business users. It allows you to add ...
Why Can't I Connect?
1.12.4 freeware download... bit deb, and a 32 bit Windows install exe are available. The 32 bit Windows executable runs fine in 64 bit Windows systems. Features: ...
4.4.2 freeware downloadGetNexrad 3.5.2 is a tool used to view real-time area radar rainfall loops and to generate the basin point file (NexradPointESX10210.txt) used by GetRealtime.exe for computing ...
Quick Any2Ico freeware download... can also select, extract and export icons from EXE, DLL and OCX files. The application can even be run from the command-line in order to ...
GWX Stopper
3.3 freeware downloadGWX Stopper permanently removes Windows 10 ads (GWX and GWXUX). If you want to keep your Windows 7/8/8.1 after aggressive Windows updates, activate GWX Stopper anti-GWX ...
Robodmin freeware downloadThe robodmin.com is a free mobile service that monitors temperature sensors, fan speeds, voltages of a computer. Step 1. Download and unzip file robodmin.zip from robodmin.com. ...
HissenIT Masterdata
1.0c freeware download... and other file types (pdf, doc, xls, txt, exe). If e-mail addresses are collected as well, the freeware allows to create new mails directly from ...
IPMSSend freeware downloadThe utility is intended for sending the message under the ICMP protocol with any text (use example: ipmssend.exe /host_name /message_text). This utility is a part of ...
Context Menu Editor
1.1 freeware download... the computer. Simply browse to the application exe files or type the command or the website url in the appropriate box, select an icon ...
Alternate Pic View Portable
3.460 freeware download... by using the link or directly start the EXE-file. The language has to be changed once, using menu entry >View-Language. The following tools are ...
Alternate Dictionary Portable
3.290 freeware download... by using the link or directly start the EXE-file. The language has to be changed once, using menu entry >View-Language. To remove this program ...
UPX Graphical
1.39b freeware downloadGraphical GUI incl UPX 3.x. Support Drag and Drop and context-menu. With many further information. UPX and the scrambler are integrated. But the best is this ...
Shortcut Antivirus freeware downloadShortcut Antivirus protects against Microsoft LNK and PIF vulnerability, notifies user about found threats and offers option to immediately remove threats. Includes Stuxnet/Tmphider rootkit removal utility. ...
Flash Builder
1.48 freeware downloadFlash Builder by The SZ Development is a versatile and user-friendly software designed to simplify the creation of USB flash drive menus. This powerful tool is ...
3.0 freeware downloadSX System Suite is a collection of all the free System Analysis and Monitoring softwares released by SecurityXploded. It contains the latest version of all the ...
Swiss File Knife
1.9.9 freeware downloadMulti function command line tool with more than 100 commands. Upload today's photos from your mobile to PC by running a web server in the target ...
Desktop Notifier for Yammer
1.0 freeware downloadIf you use Yammer in your corporate environment then you will be aware of Yammer Desktop Notifier. This is a simple program that sits in your ...
4.70 freeware download... JPG operations, effects (sharpen, blur, Adobe Photoshop filters), EXE/SCR creating, Unicode support, many hotkeys, many command line options, 60+ plugins ... Microsoft Media Player PlugIn: ...
10.3.0 freeware downloadPeaZip is a free archiver and file manager software, a fast and elegant all-purpose free ZIP files utility and free RAR extractor for Windows, Linux, macOS ...
Universal Theme Patcher
1.5 B 20090409 freeware download... from a USB drive. When you run the EXE file, it will first tell you whether you ... Require administrator rights, UAC turn off. Right-click the exe file, select Run as Administrator. 4, XP/2003 ...