freeware freeware in Business downloads
4.0.50 B530 freeware downloadThe filter module "Aggregator" for Accurate Printer Monitor is an additional module that collecting data from several different parsed data records into one common data record. ...
EverNote Mac OS X
10.94.3 freeware downloadEvernote for Mac OS X makes it easy to remember things big and small from your notable life using your computer, phone, and the web. Get ...
Portable Text Filter
2.1.0 B3629 freeware downloadText Filter is a handy utility designed to enable you to read, search and filter text files with ease. Text lines are instantly filtered as you ...
Text Filter
2.1.0 B3629 freeware downloadText Filter is a handy utility designed to enable you to read, search and filter text files with ease. Text lines are instantly filtered as you ...
Portable CintaNotes
3.14 freeware downloadCintaNotes represents a totally self-contained application, meaning that you are able to run it directly from a flash drive. In this way, your notes will always ...
3.14 freeware downloadCintaNotes represents a totally self-contained application, meaning that you are able to run it directly from a flash drive. In this way, your notes will always ...
1.0.5 freeware downloadIt's an nfo file generator, using skeleton files you might already know. Fills all the fields you use/defined with your content, and can create a package ...
nG! Portable
1.0.5 freeware downloadIt's an nfo file generator, using skeleton files you might already know. Fills all the fields you use/defined with your content, and can create a package ...
Adobe Reader X
10.1.8 freeware downloadView and interact with PDF files Adobe® Reader® is the global standard for reliably viewing, printing, and commenting on PDF documents. It's the only PDF ...
PartCopy freeware downloadThis utility can copy any number of bytes from one file into a new one. Useful if you want to extract sound or data from a ...
MiKTeX Portable
24.1.8792 freeware downloadMiKTeX Portable, developed by Christian Schenk, is a versatile and robust LaTeX distribution that caters to the needs of both novice and seasoned users who require ...
4.0.47 B414 freeware downloadDeadband is an area of a signal range or band where no action occurs (the system is dead). The filter module "Deadband" for Accurate Printer Monitor ...
4.0.73 B816 freeware downloadThe filter module "Expressions" for data loggers is an interpreter for quick and easy evaluation of expressions. It is a smart tool easy in use. Supports ...
Whatcha Doing?
1.01 freeware downloadWhatcha Doing? runs in the background and periodically prompts you to record your task activity with as little as one click, no need to constantly split ...
ePPAP Magic freeware downloadePPAP-Magic is a document management software for PPAP / PPF / EMPB handling used mainly in the automotive industry. With ePPAP Magic you can easily ...
Chariots PIM Database 2010 freeware downloadChariots PIM Database 2011 is a scheduler and database program. Names of your contacts, their addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, date of births etc can be ...
2.2.0 freeware downloadJSignPdf is a Java application which adds digital signatures to PDF documents. It can be used as a standalone application or as an Add-On in ...
Portable Jarte
6.2 freeware downloadJarte is a free, small, portable word processor based on the Microsoft WordPad word processing engine built into Windows. It is built as a fast starting, ...
LibreOffice Portable
24.2.3 freeware downloadLibreOffice Portable is a full-featured office suite -- including a word processor, spreadsheet, presentation tool, drawing package and database -- packaged as a portable app, so ...
Picto Selector freeware downloadPicto selector is a Windows application written for easy selection and printing of Pictos. The Pictos come from the website, and ARASAAC and have ...
8.0.2 B41432 freeware downloadonCourse allows you to track your students, courses and enrolments comprehensively. With minimal training your staff will be able to easily manage the most important information ...
ARIS Express
2.4j freeware downloadWith ARIS Express, Software AG is offering the world’s first free business process modeling software. ARIS Express is the perfect tool for starting with Business Process ...
Jello Dashboard
5.31 freeware downloadJello Dashboard is a Getting Things Done (GTD) solution for Microsoft Outlook 2003 and above. It’s a free application released under the GPLv3 open source license, ...
Jello Dashboard Portable
5.31 freeware downloadJello Dashboard is a Getting Things Done (GTD) solution for Microsoft Outlook 2003 and above. It’s a free application released under the GPLv3 open source license, ...
CopySafe PDF Reader freeware downloadCopySafe PDF was specially designed to protect PDF documents from all methods of copy and reproduction. CopySafe PDF is the most secure solution for distributing copy ...