Math & Scientific Tools freeware downloads

yEd Graph Editor for Mac and Linux

3.24 freeware download

Generate drawings and apply automatic layouts to diagrams, networks

yEd Graph Editor 64-bit

3.24 freeware download

Generate drawings and apply automatic layouts to diagrams, networks


6.701 freeware download

Find best Spectral Estimation Method for a Power Spectral Density plot.

OzGIS freeware download

OzGIS is a system for the analysis and display of geographically referenced data

Match n Freq

6.8 freeware download

Pulse shaping filter program; finds the pole-zero locations of transfer function

FC Compiler

6.501 freeware download

FC-Compiler (tm) is a Calculus (level) Compiler, helps Tweak parameters.

SageMath for Mac OS X

9.7 freeware download

A comprehensive cross-platform mathematics software system


14.7-14.11.2020 freeware download

OzGISMac is for the analysis and display of geographically referenced data

Super Unit Converter freeware download

It can convert between a wide range of units of measurement.

5 freeware award

ThermalWall freeware download

Calculus of the fundamental dynamic thermal characteristics of a multilayer wall

ThGMaths freeware download

Solve your maths easily with ThgMaths. Matrices, Complex Number Variables

Gas Sonic Velocity Calculator freeware download

Calculate the sonic velocity of a specified gas flowing in a pipe.

BinaryCrypt 64-bit

2.0 freeware download

Convert between regular text, binary, hexadecimal, and octal decimal


2.0 freeware download

Convert between regular text, binary, hexadecimal, and octal decimal

Pack Print Cut

5.1 freeware download

Packing two dimensional elements at orthogonal table

Explorer Standard Suite

18.8.26 freeware download

NXG Logic Explorer is a Windows machine learning package for data analytics

Machine44 Classification

1.0 freeware download

Machine44 Classification is a free desktop based machine learning software for Windows.

Chemical Data

2.9 freeware download

Provides info on over 4000 chemical compounds in a range of chemical areas.

HeWoP for Waveguides

3.0 freeware download

Use this software to simulate the propagation of optical waves in waveguides.

TriLookupLite Mac

3.0 freeware download

Advanced 1, 2 and 3 variable look-up and interpolation functions for Excel.


3.0 freeware download

Advanced 1, 2 and 3 variable look-up and interpolation functions for Excel.

Python Operating Environment freeware download

Enjoy Python with sentient editors, in/out portals, and selective execution

QMSys GUM Educational

4.6 freeware download

Software for the uncertainty of measurements and calibration.

FvWoP freeware download

Full-vectoral wave-optics beam propagator for optical waveguides.

PEEI freeware download

Solver of systems of partial differential equations.