software freeware in Business downloads
8.3.3 freeware downloadToDoList is a rare form of task management tool, one that allows you to repeatedly sub-divide your tasks into more manageable pieces whilst still presenting a ...
7.1 freeware downloadCardMaster manages and keeps track of all your contacts, adresses, phonenumbers, fax, e-mail addresses, info...! It's a very complete address book with many powerful functions and ...
6.1 freeware downloadClipboardFusion is a handy little application that sits in your system tray and monitors your clipboard. When it finds any text on the clipboard it will ...
Portable ClipboardFusion
6.1 freeware downloadClipboardFusion is a handy little application that sits in your system tray and monitors your clipboard. When it finds any text on the clipboard it will ...
Events generator
4.0.52 B627 freeware downloadThe filter module "Events generator" for our data loggers (for example, Advanced Serial Data Logger) is an additional module that allows you generate internal program events ...
Script Execute
4.0.63 B719 freeware downloadThe filter module "Script execute" for our data loggers (for example, Accurate Printer Monitor ) is an interpreter for scripts written in most popular programming languages. ...
4.0 freeware downloadGrindstone is a free app that lets you easily and accurately keep track of your time. Each thing that you have to work on is ...
OrangeNote freeware downloadOrangeNoteā¢ is a free WPF-based text clipping manager for Windows that allows you to store an unlimited number of fully-indexed and taggable text clippings in its ...
NPV of Discounted Cash Flows
1.1.00 freeware downloadThe name NPV of Discounted Cash Flows stands for Net Present Value of Discounted Cash Flows. This free financial calculator determines the present value of an ...
Excel Serial Data Writer
4.0.70 B502 freeware downloadThis data export plug-in for Accurate Printer Monitor allows to export real-time data to Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice Calc or LibreOffice Calc. The plug-in uses the OLE ...
Digital Inputs Filter
4.1.49 B530 freeware downloadThe filter module "Digital inputs filter" for our data loggers (for example, Accurate Printer Monitor ) is an additional module that provides a method to exclude ...
Data redirect
4.0.46 B414 freeware downloadThe filter module "Data redirecting" for our data loggers (for example, Advanced Serial Data Logger) is an additional module that allows you redirect a data from ...
4.0.50 B530 freeware downloadThe filter module "Aggregator" for Accurate Printer Monitor is an additional module that collecting data from several different parsed data records into one common data record. ...
Portable CintaNotes
3.14 freeware downloadCintaNotes represents a totally self-contained application, meaning that you are able to run it directly from a flash drive. In this way, your notes will always ...
3.14 freeware downloadCintaNotes represents a totally self-contained application, meaning that you are able to run it directly from a flash drive. In this way, your notes will always ...
4.0.47 B414 freeware downloadDeadband is an area of a signal range or band where no action occurs (the system is dead). The filter module "Deadband" for Accurate Printer Monitor ...
4.0.73 B816 freeware downloadThe filter module "Expressions" for data loggers is an interpreter for quick and easy evaluation of expressions. It is a smart tool easy in use. Supports ...
AmazonWatcher for Mac OS X
1.7.5 freeware download... they are gone within minutes? AmazonWatcher is a software tool that allows you to monitor the availability and price change on hot items and helps ...
TaxACT Free Edition
2012 freeware downloadTaxACT guides users through the tax preparation process and allows them to file their returns online. The program does as good a job as many of ...
2.5 freeware downloadCleanHaven is a program designed to make the cleaning of text much easier. The cleaned text can be reset as the main text with additional cleaning ...
6.0 freeware downloadCashHaven is a system for paying for goods without having to handle cash. Each user is given a cash allowance. Certain users are given the privilege ...
CashHaven for Linux
6.0 freeware downloadCashHaven is a system for paying for goods without having to handle cash. Each user is given a cash allowance. Certain users are given the privilege ...
CashHaven for Mac OS X
6.0 freeware downloadCashHaven is a system for paying for goods without having to handle cash. Each user is given a cash allowance. Certain users are given the privilege ...
CleanHaven for Mac OS X
2.5 freeware downloadCleanHaven is a program designed to make the cleaning of text much easier. The cleaned text can be reset as the main text with additional cleaning ...
CleanHaven for Linux
2.5 freeware downloadCleanHaven is a program designed to make the cleaning of text much easier. The cleaned text can be reset as the main text with additional cleaning ...