program compiler freeware downloads

FC Compiler

6.501 freeware download

FC-Compiler (tm) is a Calculus-level Compiler, helps Tweak parameters.. The FortranCalculus (FC) language is ... website at The software architect behind Calculus Compilers was Joe Thames. Help future science & engineers ...

Scriptol PHP Compiler

7.0 freeware download

Scriptol is a modern and easy to learn programming language. The minimal Scriptol program is just one line: print "hello", for example. It is intended both to program applications (using XUL or GTK for the graphical ...

Free Pascal

3.2.2 freeware download

... is a 32 and 64 bit professional Pascal compiler. It is available for different processors: Intel x86, ... language Pascal is a very nice language, your programs will be more readable and maintainable than for ...


1.22.1 freeware download

JikesTM is a compiler for the JavaTM language. The Jikes project strives ... may wonder why the world needs another Java compiler, considering that Sun provides javac free with its ...


1.0 freeware download

... the code in the main window of the program. It allows you to view the results ... order to make changes. The interface of the program is customizable and allows you to change the ...


6.302 freeware download

Robot4 (tm) is a Robotic Arm Movement program where the arm is moved from a given position to a desired position. The program finds the angles necessary for the desired position. ...


0.3.0 freeware download

CLCC is a compiler for OpenCL kernel source files. It is intended ... need to incorporate OpenCL source code into their programs and who want to verify their OpenCL code ...

GNU Project Debugger

8.3 freeware download

... to see what is going on `inside' another program while it executes -- or what another program was doing at the moment it crashed. ... catch bugs in the act: Start your program, specifying anything that might affect its behavior. Make ...

Silicon Laboratories IDE

5.50 freeware download

... is a powerful solution that consists of a compiler, source editor, debugger, project manager and many more ... Development Environment (IDE) is a complete, stand-alone software program that includes a project manager, source editor, source-level ...

QuickSharp freeware download

... simple, uncluttered development approach that lets you get programming in an instant. QuickSharp doesn't use solutions or projects; programs and libraries are developed as single files making ...


5.30b freeware download

... microcontroller used in many applications. With the THRSim11 program you can edit, assemble, simulate and debug programs for the 68HC11 on your windows PC. You can also use THRSim11 to debug the program on your target EVM or EVB compatable board. ...

Match n Freq

6.8 freeware download

Pulse shaping filter program that finds the pole-zero locations of a transfer ... pulse was the main objective for writing this program. For more info, see Kost, R. and P. ...


6.7 freeware download

CurvFit (tm) is a curve fitting program for Windows. Lorentzian, Sine, Exponential and Power series ... improved productivity example do to using Calculus (level) programming ... ie. minutes to solve, days or years ...


3.29.2 freeware download

... visualization designed for scientists, engineers and students. The program incorporates many open-source math software packages into a ... a tool competitive to commercial scientific packages. The program can be used everywhere where an analysis of ...

New Version
5 freeware award

Boomerang for Windows

0.3.1 Alpha freeware download

... general, open source, retargetable decompiler of machine code programs This project is an attempt to develop a real decompiler for machine code programs through the open source community. A decompiler takes ...

Boomerang for Linux

0.3 Alpha freeware download

... general, open source, retargetable decompiler of machine code programs This project is an attempt to develop a real decompiler for machine code programs through the open source community. A decompiler takes ...


1.54i freeware download

... functions are available at any magnification factor. The program supports any number of windows (images) simultaneously, limited ... developed using ImageJ's built in editor and Java compiler. User-written plugins make it possible to solve almost ...

ImageJ x64

1.54i freeware download

... functions are available at any magnification factor. The program supports any number of windows (images) simultaneously, limited ... using ImageJ's x64 built in editor and Java compiler. User-written plugins make it possible to solve almost ...

ImageJ for Mac OS X

1.54i freeware download

... functions are available at any magnification factor. The program supports any number of windows (images) simultaneously, limited ... developed using ImageJ's built in editor and Java compiler. User-written plugins make it possible to solve almost ...

ImageJ for Linux

1.54i freeware download

... functions are available at any magnification factor. The program supports any number of windows (images) simultaneously, limited ... developed using ImageJ's built in editor and Java compiler. User-written plugins make it possible to solve almost ...

wxWidgets for Mac OS X

3.1.2 freeware download

... for your platform (Windows/Unix/Mac, others coming shortly) and compiler (almost any popular C++ compiler), and your application will adopt the look and ... GUI functionality, wxWidgets gives you: online help, network programming, streams, clipboard and drag and drop, multithreading, image ...


3.46.0 freeware download

... than 350KiB, depending on the target platform and compiler optimization settings. (64-bit code is larger. And some compiler optimizations such as aggressive function inlining and loop ...

Object Oriented C

1.3.3 freeware download

... (ooc) kit is for those who want to program in an object orieneted manner, but sticks on ... handling. Ideal for students getting to know OO programming. It can be mainly useful for education ...

Visual Studio Code

1.96.2 freeware download

... IDE, dedicated to building Web applications and cloud programs. The tool is a lightweight and resembles the ... searching engine allows you to find components, files, programs or any item that matches the name. The ...

New Version

Visual Studio Code for Mac OS X

1.90.2 freeware download

... IDE, dedicated to building Web applications and cloud programs. The tool is a lightweight and resembles the ... searching engine allows you to find components, files, programs or any item that matches the name. The ...