program code freeware downloads
Easy Code for MASM freeware downloadEasy Code for MASM is the visual assembly programming environment made to build 32-bit Windows applications. The interface for Easy Code for MASM looks like Visual Basic and will ...
Easy Code for GoAsm freeware downloadEasy Code for GoAsm is the visual assembly programming environment made to build 32-bit Windows applications. The interface for Easy Code for GoAsm looks like Visual Basic and will ...
Office Programming Helper Indent VB Code
3.6.1 freeware downloadIndent VBA code, add line numbers, error handler, number to words ... Excel, Power Point macros writers and Access VBA code Using this application to indent your VBA Code ...
Funduc Software Code Format
2.2 freeware downloadFunduc Software Code Format (FS Code Format) is a free source code reformatter or beautifier for use by programmers. The program has options to determine handling of ...
Funduc Software Code Format 64-bit
2.2 freeware downloadFunduc Software Code Format (FS Code Format) 64-bit is a free source code reformatter or beautifier for use by programmers. The program has options to determine handling of ...
Free Bar Code 3 of 9
4.2 freeware downloadPrint your own code39 from Windows! This TrueType and PostScript bar code font set adds the ability to print barcodes to virtually any Windows program. Barcode 3/9 is the most popular bar code ...
Universal Code Lines Counter
1.1.6 freeware downloadA fast and easy tool for counting source code, blank and comment lines of software projects for many programming/script languages. With this application you get a detailed ...
MinMax G-code
1.0 freeware download... coordinate Z and coordinate A are in control programs ( G - code tool path ) for machine tools (lathe, mill, ... machines) with computer numerical control ( CNC ). Program MinMax G-code allows you to copy your work ...
QR-Code Maker Freeware
1.0.0 freeware download... the freeware QR-Code Studio to quickly create QR codes for any application. Special know-how is not required; an assistant simplifies the creation of QR codes for mobile tagging, social media, business cards, etc. ...
Visual Studio Code for Mac OS X
1.90.2 freeware downloadVisual Studio Code is a powerful IDE, dedicated to building Web applications and cloud programs. The tool is a lightweight and resembles the ... function definitions, and imported modules. Debug code right from the editor. Launch or attach to ...
Visual Studio Code for Linux
1.90.2 freeware downloadVisual Studio Code is a powerful IDE, dedicated to building Web applications and cloud programs. The tool is a lightweight and resembles the ... function definitions, and imported modules. Debug code right from the editor. Launch or attach to ...
Free Presentation Program
1.2.0 freeware download... competitive market. That is why the free presentation program is created. Focusky will help you to distinguish ... the one who has the Focusky account and code to login your account and edit your content ...
Visual Studio Code
1.98.2 freeware downloadVisual Studio Code is a powerful IDE, dedicated to building Web applications and cloud programs. The tool is a lightweight and resembles the ... function definitions, and imported modules. Debug code right from the editor. Launch or attach to ...
ETAC Code Generator
2-0-3-ena freeware downloadThe free ETAC Code Generator, written in the ETAC programming language, is a highly advanced programmable template-based universal text and program source code generator that uses a template language ...
CodeTwo QR Code Desktop Reader freeware downloadQR Codes (also known as Quick Response Codes) are becoming more and more popular. These two dimensional codes composed of square dots are now used in ...
WMI Code Creator
1.0 freeware downloadWMI Code Creator is a small, free tool which can help generate code which uses WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) to obtain ... could build your own, very powerful system information program. And you can then get more active, creating ...
Easy Code freeware downloadEasy Code is the visual assembly programming environment made to build 32-bit Windows applications. The Easy Code interface, looking like Visual Basic, allows you to program Windows assembler applications (executable files, dynamic and static ...
2.7.5 freeware downloadRasMol is a program for molecular graphics visualisation originally developed by Roger ... scientific tool exists as software, access to source code is an important element in achieving full understanding ...
Boomerang for Windows
0.3.1 Alpha freeware downloadA general, open source, retargetable decompiler of machine code programs This project is an attempt to develop a real decompiler for machine code programs through the open source community. A decompiler ...
Boomerang for Linux
0.3 Alpha freeware downloadA general, open source, retargetable decompiler of machine code programs This project is an attempt to develop a real decompiler for machine code programs through the open source community. A decompiler ...
1.10.2 freeware downloadQuickRev is a code review tool which supports formal code review processes for Subversion and ClearCase controlled files. ... Metrics like number of review files, lines of code, review effort, etc. will be written to the ...
3.00.04 freeware downloadTinyCAD is a program to help you draw circuit diagrams. It comes ... front end to a number of PCB layout program, by getting TinyCAD to create a netlist of ...
SourceMonitor freeware downloadThe freeware program SourceMonitor lets you see inside your software source code to find out how much code you have and to identify the relative complexity ...
4.0.2 freeware download... or THINK Pascal (Mac OS Classic), respectively. Source code is provided for all supported platforms and may also be used in order to compile SimThyr ...
Open Movie Editor
0.0.20090105 freeware download... is a free and open source video editing program, designed for basic movie making capabilities. It aims ... Inkscape Inkscape is a powerful Vector graphics program, that can be used to create extensive title ...