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Windows 7 Little Tweaker
1.2 freeware downloadWindows 7 Little Tweaker is a small and simple to use utility that let you easily activate a few useful extras for Microsoft Windows 7 32bit ...
Download Leecher
0.1 freeware downloadWhat is download leecher?? Download leecher is a download manager for hidden downloads. e.g. Your full version or beta version. Sample: Your beta_program.zip is on your ...
Corrupt XLSX Salvager
2.0.4 freeware downloadCorrupt XLSX Salvager is designed to salvage data from corrupt Excel 2007 - 2013 'Office Open XML' XLSX extension files and convert worksheets to CSV format. ...
Corrupt DOCX Salvager
2.0.4 freeware downloadUsing a GUI interface and a Perl coded back end, Corrupt DOCX Salvager will often be able to extract text from damaged or corrupted Word 2007-2013 ...
0.75 freeware downloadCBR allow to read CBZ/ZIP and CBR/RAR books and comics with WPF Engine in the line of the well known CDisplay ...
1.6.5961 freeware downloadUpdateIt! is the application designed for the synchronization of the source folder's content with the content of other (target) folder on a local computer or (and) ...
TUGZip freeware downloadTUGZip is a powerful award-winning freeware archiving utility for Windows that provides support for a wide range of compressed, encoded and disc-image files, as well as ...
2.1 freeware download... automatically timestamped as ArchiveName.yyyyMMdd-HHmmss.n, with extensions .txt.zip and .zip respectively, where n is the snapshot number. * Because ZipSnap never modifies a catalog or compressed ...
AutoZIP II freeware downloadAutoZIP II is free and the world's #1 Feature Rich compression utility. AutoZIP is fast, easy to use, intuitive, and intended to allow you to read ...
0.14 freeware downloadHelper utility for cbz/cbr files (comic books mostly) content scaling and converting to WebP format: source: any format recognized by 7-zip (zip, rar, tar, 7z ...
Dir2Encrypt freeware downloadDir2Encrypt does encrypt a folder with privat files and subfolders into a single password protected archive file. The archive file can be a zip file or ...
WinRAR for Android
6.23 B119 freeware downloadWinRAR for Android is a powerful archive manager. It can backup your data and reduce the size of email attachments, decompress RAR, ZIP and other files ...
1.10 freeware downloadwxCommander is a new two-panel file manager. It comes with a few unique features (iso, a great text editor) and is built to last, created with ...
FBReader for Android
3.0.5 freeware downloadFBReader for Android was written in Java as a clone of original (C++) FBReader book reader. It was named FBReaderJ, but now we prefer to write ...
FBReader for Linux
0.99.4 freeware downloadFBReader is an e-book reader for various platforms. Currently FBReader works on * Linux desktop. * Windows XP/Vista/Win7 computer. * FreeBSD computer. * Various linux-based ...
Zipper Tools
freeware downloadZipper Tools is a handy, easy to use application that was designed for packing and unpacking files. This application is mostly used for deploying my ASP.NET ...
ZoomFoot Send Photo
1.0.30 freeware downloadZoomFoot Send Photo is the easiest way to email pictures (up to 4GB per transfer) to friends over the Internet. Stop wasting time resizing and zipping ...
Unreal Commander
3.57 Build 1497 freeware downloadUnreal Commander, crafted by the adept developer Max Diesel, is a robust file management tool that stands out in the crowded field of file explorers. Designed ...
abylon READER
23.60.1 freeware downloadThe encrypting with the software of abylonsoft is not an one-way. The free READER-Version verify, decrypt and unpack SME files. At this time the following file ...
0.7.1 freeware downloadArchView is an extension of Firefox. It can open archive file online and get the catalog. It also can preview or download files in archive. Currently, ...
1.1.44 freeware downloadFor most people, BiGZiP is a FREE Java based compression utility. It does what other programs do but in a Java Environment, so no matter what ...
Gekko Manager
0.76 freeware downloadGekko Manager is a freeware file manager and FTP client for Windows. It is like Windows Explorer, but can do much more, for example; access FTP ...
USPS Postage Rates and Tracking
1.0 freeware downloadSpaceWare.com's USPS tools consist of three invaluable tools to manage your packages shipped via USPS. Using the Rates calculators, you can quickly determine the least expensive ...
EF Commander Free
25.03 freeware downloadEF Commander is a powerful and multi-featured file manager witch a wide range of users, from beginners to professionals, will find easy to use. Here are ...
Free PageFlipPDF PPT to Flash
1.0 freeware downloadFree PageFlipPDF PPT to Flash is 100% free flash creator! You can use it to convert PowerPoint to Flash with HTML, EXE, ZIP format and publish ...