.zip freeware downloads
1.3 freeware downloadPeaExtractor is a free .rar / .zip file extractor for Windows and Linux, spin-off of PeaZip project. It is also available as portable software (no ...
1.3 freeware downloadKraken is a free, fast and small RAR, ZIP and HASH (MD5, SHA, BCRYPT) password recovery tool for Windows without a fancy GUI for maximum performance, ...
1.4.2 freeware downloadThe program CompressIT writes selected files in to one or multiple ZIP-file(s). CompressIT can create multiple ZIP-archive with predefined filesize for the archive. Optional you can ...
Unarchiver One
2.4 freeware downloadBest FREE Mac compression, encryption and archiving tool in 2021. Unrar and Unzip files in seconds | Unarchiver One can open and extract archive files including ...
Universal Extractor
1.6.1 rev 11 freeware download... patch .msu Wise Installer package .exe ZIP archive .zip, .jar, .xpi, .wz, .exe Zoo archive .zoo ...
1.5.0 freeware downloadUnPacker. A Fully automated extracting tool. This is not a WinRAR or WinZIP replacement but quite a useful util when you want to extract large quantum ...
WinArchiver Virtual Drive
2.8 freeware downloadWinArchiver Virtual Drive is a free Virtual CD/DVD ROM utility. It can mount not only all popular CD/DVD image files, but also all popular archives. You ...
RAR Password Unlocker
2.0.2 freeware downloadRAR Password Unlocker can be used to recover the password of any RAR, ZIP or 7z file if you ever forget the password you used to ...
BackUp Maker
8.310 freeware downloadViruses, user errors and computer crashes put you at risk to lose important data at any time. Therefore, it is crucial to secure your files regularly ...
2.41 freeware downloadAZip is a free Zip Archive Manager with unique features such as: built-in content Search, smart archive Update, archive Recompression. The goal is to keep the ...
1.1b82 freeware downloadSimplyzip is a multi archiver in english/german/swedish/italian at this time. Can Open: ZIP, CZIP, ACE, CAB, RAR, TAR, GZIP, LZH,BZ2,SQX, RS,UUE,XXE,BASE64,UCL,ARJ,ZLIB, RPM, DEB,7-ZIP Create: 7z,ZIP,CZIP,Cab,LHA,TAR,TAR GZ ...
ZipGenius freeware downloadZipGeniuscan handle more than 20 compressed archive types, so it is a perfet companion for your work and daily activities; but ZipGenius doesn't handle compressed archives, ...
PeaZip for macOS
10.3.0 freeware downloadPeaZip is an Open Source archiver and file manager tool for macOS, Free Software alternative to WinRar, WinZip and similar utilities, structured as a frontend for ...
Pack Attachments for Outlook
5.0 freeware downloadFree and easy-to-use tool to pack attachments in Microsoft Outlook. Fast and safely compresses attachments in messages, contacts, tasks, calendar and journal items. Packed attachments reduce ...
You Can Automate File Management Suite
2.10C freeware downloadEnjoy relief from repeated, tedious file copying, renaming, deleting, zipping and opening in Windows Explorer: Reopen bookmarked folder(s). Reopen 2 bookmarked folders in dual, side by ...
Portable ArcThemALL!
5.1 freeware downloadIt is a multi-compressor of files and folders with UPX, MPRESS, ZIP and 7Z formats. It includes an intelligent UPX compression mode, the support to self-extracting ...
2.0.0 Build1926 freeware downloadSizeMe scans a selected directory for the size of each item. Then it compares that to the given media size, and gives you a list over ...
1.44.02 freeware downloadFreeExtractor is the easiest way to create self-extracting archives for Windows from existing ZIP files. It is an excellent open-source solution for packaging software programs and ...
B1 Free Archiver
1.5.86 freeware download... just like with regular folders, works with .b1 .zip .rar .7z and other formats. B1 Free Archiver is available for Windows, Mac OS and Linux ...
MP3+G Toolz freeware download... of underscores. · Plays Audio+G files from a .zip file with a -6 to +6 step key changer ...
CAM UnZip freeware downloadUnzipping (and zipping) made easy... and free... Finally! CAM UnZip is an easy-to-use ZIP file utility that opens, creates and modifies ZIP files quickly and easily. ...
iZip Archiver
4.3 freeware downloadiZip is a free powerful archiving utility designed specifically for Windows. Easily manage ZIP and RAR files directly from within iZip. Open and securely share ZIP, ...
Bitser freeware downloadBitser is free windows software for managing archives and backups similar to WinZip, 7-zip and WinRAR but with an alternate user interface. Bitser's interface is built ...
5.1 freeware downloadIt is a multi-compressor of files and folders with UPX, MPRESS, ZIP and 7Z formats. It includes an intelligent UPX compression mode, the support to self-extracting ...
1.6.1 [rev5] freeware downloadPortable X-UniExtract is a program designed to decompress and extract files from any type of archive or installer, such as ZIP or RAR files, self-extracting EXE ...