utility freeware in System Utilities downloads
Puran Shutdown Timer
1.2 freeware downloadIt is a free utility that can help you schedule various shutdown tasks including shutdown, restart, log off, hibernate, lock, sleep on various events. You ...
Puran Duplicate File Finder
2.0 freeware downloadPuran Duplicate File Finder is a free utility that can find and delete duplicate files on your computer by comparing contents of each file. - ...
Disk Files
1.2 freeware downloadIt is a free utility that can help you take a deeper look into the distribution of different types of files on your computer. It ...
Puran Wipe Disk
1.2 freeware downloadPuran Wipe Disk is a free utility that can completely delete everything on your disk including the file system so that no data can be ...
SBAppLocale freeware downloadSBAppLocale is a useful command line clone utility of Microsoft AppLocale. ...
1.3.1 freeware downloadWin7sé is an exposé like utility that will show the Alt-Tab Switcher by activating screen hotspots. Users will have the possibility to assign various ...
Burn to the Brim
2.9.0 freeware download... breeze. Burn To The Brim is a utility which selects the group of files or directories (documents, mp3 files, whatever you like to burn) ...
0.9.9 freeware downloadA disk cleanup utility that thoroughly scans your computer for unnecessary and invalid files no longer being used by the system freeing up disk space. ...
1.77 freeware downloadSysExporter utility allows you to grab the data stored in standard list-views, tree-views, list boxes, combo boxes, text-boxes, and WebBrowser/HTML controls from almost any application ...
SysExporter Portable
1.77 freeware downloadSysExporter utility allows you to grab the data stored in standard list-views, tree-views, list boxes, combo boxes, text-boxes, and WebBrowser/HTML controls from almost any application ...
SysExporter x64
1.77 freeware downloadSysExporter utility allows you to grab the data stored in standard list-views, tree-views, list boxes, combo boxes, text-boxes, and WebBrowser/HTML controls from almost any application ...
1.2 freeware downloadTrituradora is a utility to delete data from your hard drive securely, overwriting the data multiple times to prevent any possibility of recovery. This program ...
2.1 freeware downloadAutoZIP is a compression utility witch allows to compress a single file in a ZIP archive. After compression, AutoZIP sets creation, last access and last ...
1.0 freeware downloadA handy little freeware utility to assist in one of life's annoying little tasks... converting those Name-style Alphanumeric telephone numbers into straight numbers for easy ...
4.4.6 [rev8] freeware downloadX-AstroGrep is developed as an accessible and user-friendly utility that can help you search for files on your system. X-AstroGrep features support for regular ...
1.0 freeware downloadThis handy utility offers a quick and convenient way to create, store and browse lots of different plain text files. Ideal if you perform a ...
Watch 4 Folder
2.5.1 freeware download... Folder 2.5 - a folder monitoring and automation utility that can monitor up to 4 different folders simultaneously for 12 kinds of events and react ...
USB Disk Storage Format Tool
6.1 freeware download... for keychain duty. USB Disk Storage Format Tool utility allows you to quickly and thoroughly format virtually any USB flash drive with your choice of ...
Soft4Boost Secure Eraser freeware downloadSoft4Boost Secure Eraser is a wizard-styled utility, which allows you to completely remove sensitive data from your hard drive by overwriting it several times with ...
Free PST Viewer
2.0 freeware download... PST files. PST Attachment Reader is a Windows utility tool and you can download it for free on any version of Windows operating system. PST ...
AdvancedUsbDoctor freeware downloadAdvancedusbdoctor is a utility that helps remove shortcut virus or sexy virus and Autorun that shows up on removable disk or pendrives. It automatically detects ...
DP PXEBoot Speed Up Tool
1.1 freeware downloadA small utility to quickly and easily make the changes required to your Configuration Manager Distribution Points settings to enable a faster PXE boot up ...
PDF Compressor
5.5.1 freeware download... large PDF attachments. PDF Compressor is a Windows utility that compresses scanned PDF files and reduces PDF file size from 30 MB to only 8 ...
9.7.5 freeware download... available. Overall, SAPPHIRE TriXX is an essential utility for anyone using a Sapphire graphics card. Its combination of performance optimization, real-time monitoring, and customization ...
Bestimate freeware downloadA small utility designed to help you become more accurate and realistic about your predictions projections and estimates. Simple interface. Track as many estimates as ...