java freeware in System Utilities downloads
Java Portable Launcher
5.0 freeware downloadJava Portable Launcher allows you to easily run Java JARs from your device with Java Portable installed. While it doesn't portablize their settings ... be saved to a portable location. The Java Portable Launcher allows you to easily run Java ...
MindRaider for Java
8.0 freeware downloadMindRaider is personal notebook and outliner. It aims to connect the tradition of outline editors with emerging technologies. MindRaider mission is to help you in organization ...
3.1 freeware downloadJavaExe makes it possible to launch your Java application starting from an .exe as if it ... is possible to provide a JRE with the Java application so that it operates regardless of the ...
2.0 Beta 3 freeware downloadWhat JavaRa does is to check if your computer has the latest version of Java Runtime Environment (JRE).If the version you have installed ... install this newer version for you, by running Java's update program. JavaRa then allows you to ...
Live View 0.7b
0.7b freeware downloadLive View is a Java-based graphical forensics tool that creates a VMware virtual machine out of a raw (dd-style) disk image or physical disk. This ...
CMP Wassup
2.6 freeware download... that let's you know what's up with your Java environment. It will tell you the System Properties, ... as which JVM is running, which version of Java, which vendor. It may be run as either ...
1.0 freeware download... is a free, open source, comprehensive and standards-based Java(TM)/J2EE(TM) development suite distribution for building enterprise application. It is based on leading Open Source web servers, ...
Putani PKI Explorer
1.0.0 freeware download... that allows you to easily manage all your Java keystores and explore PKI objects, such as certificates, ... The program enables you to create BKS, Java JCEKS, Java, PKCS12 or UBER keystores. Also, it ...
Putani PKI Explorer for Linux
1.0.0 freeware download... that allows you to easily manage all your Java keystores and explore PKI objects, such as certificates, ... The program enables you to create BKS, Java JCEKS, Java, PKCS12 or UBER keystores. Also, it ...
Putani PKI Explorer for Mac OS X
1.0.0 freeware download... that allows you to easily manage all your Java keystores and explore PKI objects, such as certificates, ... The program enables you to create BKS, Java JCEKS, Java, PKCS12 or UBER keystores. Also, it ...
freeware downloadJazsync is Java implementation of synchronization utility Zsync. This project is part of bachelor thesis. ...
1.1.44 freeware downloadFor most people, BiGZiP is a FREE Java based compression utility. It does what other programs do but in a Java Environment, so no matter what your OS is, ...
2025 freeware downloadBased on a java web component. This software is a browser that ... languages. This program was developed by EuropeSoftwares in JAVA and XML technology. It therefore requires Oracle's JAVA ...
2.1 freeware download... a timestamp. Runs on any OS with the Java Runtime Environment (JRE 6+). ZipSnap is free and open source software written in Java and released under the GNU GPL license (version ...
0.4.5 freeware downloadWinRun4j is a Java launcher designed to be an alternative to javaw.exe. The application uses an INI file for specifying ...
4.3 freeware download... platform independent podcast client written in Groovy and Java. It features an automatic cleanup of old files and an optional automatic volume adjustment using MP3Gain. ...
2.2 freeware download... group construct. Runs on any OS with the Java Runtime Environment (JRE 6+). RenameWand is free and open source software written in Java and released under the GNU GPL license (version ...
5.2.0 freeware download... home aquarium. It has been completly written in Java with Netbeans standard IDE, that may ensure portability. It runs on every O.S. that can run Java applications and has been tested on GNU/Linux, Windows, ...
Nyagua for Linux
5.2.0 freeware download... home aquarium. It has been completly written in Java with Netbeans standard IDE, that may ensure portability. It runs on every O.S. that can run Java applications and has been tested on GNU/Linux, Windows, ...
2.1 freeware download... is modified. Runs on any OS with the Java Runtime Environment (JRE 6+). Sync is free and open source software written in Java and released under the GNU GPL license (version ...
2.31.0 freeware download... web picture album. It runs as a standard Java webapplication in any servlet container. Although WebFileSys is a platform-independent Java application, it offers most functions that file managers ...
0.38b freeware download... platform for computer emulation. It is written in Java. The platform consists of the main application and plug-ins, as it it shown at the following ...
Bit Copier Portable freeware download... is a simple but detailed utility programmed in java that allows you to copy or move your files while seeing exactly what is happening, giving ...
Areca Backup
7.5 freeware downloadAreca Backup is an Open Source personal backup solution which is released under the General Public License v2. It basically allows you to select a set ...
Areca Backup x64
7.5 freeware downloadAreca Backup x64 is an Open Source personal backup solution which is released under the General Public License v2. It basically allows you to select a ...