System Maintenance freeware downloads

FrontFace Lockdown Tool

5.0.2 freeware download

Protects and locks down any Windows-based public kiosk terminal PCs.

CCleaner for Mac OS X

2.09.187 freeware download

CCleaner for Mac has been released as a public beta version

UpdateStar AppCleaner

3 freeware download

AppCleaner is UpdateStar's lean and powerful freeware to find and delete obsolet

Remo MORE for Mac

1.0 freeware download

One-Click solution to speed up your Mac machine


3.3 Build 1000 freeware download

RAMMon provides detailed memory information and diagnostics for your system.


7.50 freeware download

Server Performance Monitoring: VMware,Nutanix,AWS,GCloud,Azure,Oracle VM,RHV,AIX

Movable Python freeware download

Convert Python scripts into standalone Windows executables effortlessly.

PC Win Booster Free freeware download

PC Win Booster Free lets the user keep up Windows clean and stable.

MoonSols Windows Memory Toolkit

1.0 freeware download

Designed to deal with Microsoft Windows hibernation file

Wenovo USB Disks Access Manager

1.0 freeware download

Allows you to manage access to USB disks

JFRemover Portable freeware download

A Junk Removal Tool

Puran Utilities

3.1 freeware download

A set of more than 20 utilities to help you get best of your computer.

Puran Registry Defrag

1.2 freeware download

Defrag and Compact Windows registry for better performance

Puran Registry Cleaner

1.4 freeware download

Find and Delete unnecessary registry keys and values for better performance

ZTSvc freeware download

ZTSvc: Streamlined service management for efficient task handling.

EnhanceMy8 Free

2.0.0 freeware download

Easy to use and free enhancing, optimizing and tweaking tool for Windows 8

EaseUS CleanGenius Free

3.0.6 freeware download

All-in-one Windows system utility quickly speeds up your slow computer.

Edge Reset Button

1.0 freeware download

Edge Reset Button is a small program for resetting the Microsoft Edge browser

CPU Meter Pro

1.2 freeware download

A free utility displaying the usage for all the processor cores.

Disk Space Cleanup Tool

1.3 freeware download

The batch will delete all of your Windows Updates downloads.

Wise PC 1stAid

1.46 freeware download

Fix common PC problems in an automatic way with unlimited tech support.

Binary Uptime

1.7 freeware download

Shows how much time has passed since you last restarted your PC in binary.

App Optimizer freeware download

A handy and reliable optimizer utility.

God Mode for Windows

2.1 freeware download

Enhanced Control Panel for Windows

Remote UAC Fix

1.0 freeware download

Remote UAC Error Fix for remote tools.