System Maintenance freeware downloads


2.60 freeware download

BootPart is a tool for adding partitions in the WinNT/2K/XP multi boot menu

Disk Performance Analyzer for Networks

3.0 freeware download

Find the fragmentation that crippling your network.

QuickSYS Informer

2 freeware download

QuickSYS Informer - System Information Right at Your Fingertips!

Core Temp 64bit

1.18.1 freeware download

Compact, no fuss, small footprint program to monitor CPU temperature

5 freeware award

EnhanceMyVista Free

1.16.1 freeware download

An easy to use yet advanced enhancing, optimizing and tweaking tool

TweakNow WinSecret 2010

2.1.1000 freeware download

Explore the secret of Windows 7, Vista and XP.

iMyFone Umate Free

3.2.0 freeware download

Clean up junk and temp files on your iPhone for FREE

MJ Registry Watcher freeware download

Monitor and manage Windows Registry changes effortlessly with MJ Registry Watcher.

UpdateStar Free

3.2.786 freeware download

UpdateStar offers you a time-saving one-stop information place for your software

Glary Utilities

6.10 freeware download

Free all-in-one utility to clean, speed up, maintain and protect your PC

Macgo Free iPhone Cleaner for Mac

1.5.0 freeware download

Macgo iPhone Cleaner for Mac is an excellent iOS cleaner tool run on Mac OS X.

AmoK DelayDel

1.2 freeware download

Deletes undeletable files that are blocked by Windows for deletion


4.5.1 freeware download

Add support for over 270 new programs into CCleaner


7.40 freeware download

Monitoring for Enterprise Class Storage: IBM, EMC, NetApp, Hitachi, HPE, Lenovo

UpdateStar Freeware Edition

10 freeware download

UpdateStar offers basic protection against outdated software

PC De-Crapifier

3.0.1 freeware download

The PC De-Crapifier is designed to remove a specific list unwanted software

YUMI Legacy freeware download

YUMI: Create multiboot USB drives with ease for various OS installations.


7.0.16 freeware download

VirtualBox is a general-purpose full virtualizer for hardware

TweakNow PowerPack 2010

2.3.2 freeware download

A complete tweaking program for Windows.

Monitor Asset Manager freeware download

An easy-to-use tool that will help you track monitor inventory by serial number


1.0 freeware download

A tool for creating, removing, and controlling Windows Services

Puran Wipe Disk

1.2 freeware download

Permanently Delete all data on your disk so that no data can be recovered.

Portable BatteryCare freeware download

A simple and easy to use laptop battery monitor software

Task Coach nLite Addon for Windows

1.4.6 freeware download

A simple manager designed to help you manage personal tasks and todo lists

FreeRAM XP Pro

1.52 freeware download

Increase your system performance by cleaning the content of your RAM.