CAD freeware downloads

MyCadbox freeware download

Online CAD viewer for viewing, sharing, markup of STEP/IGES files on PC and iPad

SpeakerBox Filter Designer

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Active and Pasive filter calculator

Cytoscape for Linux

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A visualization application for molecular interaction networks


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M4 PERSONAL - Free Professional 2D/3D CAD Software

System Sensor Voltage Drop Calculator

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Quickly plan and model notification appliance circuits


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Create a visual representation of an electromagnetic field


2.0.0 Beta freeware download

Designed to help you with symbolic analysis of linear analog circuits

Plotting GUI for Linux freeware download

Supply an easy to use measurement data visualization and treatment framework

CARIS Easy View

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View and analyze spatial data loaded from multiple types of files

sRNA Workbench

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Analyzing small RNA data from Next Generation Sequencing devices

DipTrace Free freeware download

Comprehensive PCB design tool with the shortest learning curve on the market.

SoundStepper freeware download

A telescope controller to help you with your work

Open3DALIGN for Linux

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View an analyze molecular alignment with this tool


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Primary processing and preservation of medical images in DICOM format


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Design your power supply circuits and estimate power loss


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Allows you to manage and to organize multiple type


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Help you analyze and visualize proteomics datasets

Circuitscape x64

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A free, open-source program which borrows algorithms from electronic circuit


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CNC machining add-in for HeeksCAD written in C++

Mobile Atlas Creator for Mac OS X

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Designed to help you create atlases for TrekBuddy


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Learn about relationships between moles, liters, and molarity

Cytoscape for Mac OS X

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A visualization application for molecular interaction networks


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Free and open source software, available for all current platforms


2.0.9 freeware download

A thermal and fluid flow analysis software package


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Designed to offer users a generic CDS (or ARINC 661 Server)