CAD freeware downloads

JMARS for Windows

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Mission analysis and planning tool for remote sensing

MEM Calculator

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Yet another simple calculator


0.2.2 Beta freeware download

Easily calculate the number of sequencing reads


4.4 freeware download

Designed to help you find frequent item sets with the relim algorithm

PyPedal for Linux

2.0.3 freeware download

Manipulate your pedigrees with this application


2.1.13 freeware download

An astrophotometry software to help you with your work


2.6 freeware download

Designed to offer you an interactive simulation of heat and mass flow

MedINRIA x64

3.2.0 freeware download

State-of-the-art algorithms dedicated to medical image processing

Geneious Basic x64

6.0.4 freeware download

Speeds up and simplifies research in molecular biology and biochemistry


0.2.7 freeware download

Tool that helps you predict splice graphs from various evidence


0.9.3 freeware download

A mathematical calculator to help you with your work

VisualCAM freeware download

A CAD platform that allows you to create part files

TDSL Personal Edition freeware download

Allows you to search for a certain vacuum tube

Techne CAD/CAM x64 RC freeware download

Tightly integrates the CAM aspects when doing design and layout

Model Air Design

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Model Air Design is the new, fun and easy way to create airplane models


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Autocad extension for inserting blocks at each line

QtGrace for Mac OS X

0.2.6 freeware download

Display or plot data, analyze data and prepare it for printing


2.3 freeware download

High-throughput generation of molecular interaction fields

DX Central

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Solar information for scientific and ham radio use

BayesRate for Mac OS X

1.63 freeware download

Designed in order to estimate speciation


1.0.178 Beta freeware download

Application for recording fertility observations and its analysis

ADMB for Linux

11.5 freeware download

Package for the development of state-of-the-art nonlinear models


3.00.04 freeware download

TinyCAD is a program to help you draw circuit diagrams

DAVID-Laserscanner freeware download

A freeware software that allows you to scan/digitize three-dimensionals objects


4.04.061 Beta freeware download

Analysis of (bio)chemical kinetics and equilibria