Freeware Education downloads
- Computer6
- Dictionaries103
- Geography14
- Kids14
- Languages43
- Mathematics67
- Reference Tools14
- Science64
- Teaching & Training Tools171
- Other270
iTest allows you to take advantage of the best of computerised examination
Free music software helping the musicians to improve their sight-reading
An accessible and Open Source instrument for editing (gps) tracks
Jingle Keyboard can make your typing sound like a real typewriter !
JLearnItME is a multilingual dictionary.
JLearnItPDA is a multilingual dictionary.
Help researchers interested in developing & evaluating reconstruction algorithms
Tool for chemists to analyse & visualize NMR coupling patterns.
Can perform quizzes using a flash card system
Quick and easy maths training application for learning times tables and sums.
Quick and easy maths training application for learning times tables and sums.
Quick and easy maths training application for learning times tables and sums.
Kamus is an English-Indonesia (and vice versa) dictionary
KBDIS can calculate Keetch-Byram Index as a drought index.
Free typing tutor software for Windows. Includes lessons, timed tests and more.
Allows to upload log files from the phone into your account
New generation key-logger and user monitoring software
Keep watch on your kid's activity on the computer
Killexams Premium CFEX PDF practice tests with Test Engine
Killexams Premium GRE PDF practice tests with Test Engine
Killexams Premium CTP PDF practice tests with Test Engine
Killexams Premium SAFe-RTE PDF practice tests with Test Engine
Killexams Premium ABV PDF practice tests with Test Engine
Killexams Premium 4A0-C01 PDF practice tests with Test Engine