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English Tagalog dictionary Win, Linux, OSX
English Tagalog online dictionary for mobile phones, Windows Mobile, Blackberry and Palm
English Thai dictionary Win, Linux, OSX
English Thai online dictionary for mobile phones, Windows Mobile, Blackberry and Palm
includes the extensive vocabulary of 1,00,000+ words
English Turkish dictionary Win, Linux, OSX
English Turkish online dictionary for mobile phones, Windows Mobile, Blackberry and Palm
Big advantage of English Typing Master is that you will not need internet.
English Ukrainian dictionary Win, Linux, OSX
English Ukrainian online dictionary for mobile phones, Windows Mobile, Blackberry and Palm
English Urdu dictionary Win, Linux, OSX
English Vietnamese dictionary Win, Linux, OSX
English Vietnamese online dictionary for mobile phones, Windows Mobile, Blackberry and Palm ...
A smart solution to learn English and improve your listening and speaking skills
Covering all countries and capitals of the world
Epubor eBook Converter converts ePUB, PDF,MOBI, AZW, eBooks with interconversion
Best eBook Converter helps you convert ePUB,PDF, Kindle, Kobo, Nook books on Mac
Convert Kindle Mobi, Azw, prc eBooks to ePUB format to be read on any e-readers
Used to automate creation of Japanese Anki vocabulary cards
eSkool is a modern school management software for public and private schools.
Reminds you to take frequent breaks from the PC
Study Faraday's law with the help of this software Free chromatogram viewer (SCF, ABI, AB1, AB).
Look for all FASTA files in the specified folder and will merge the content in a Multi-FASTA ...