Development freeware downloads
Android Tools
0.19 freeware downloadCreating, building, emulating and signing Android applications
1.0.28 freeware downloadAn easy way to access the ANDS Persistent Identifier service
2.21 freeware downloadConvert ANSI text files to various formats with ease and precision.
Ansifilter for Linux
2.20 freeware downloadStrips ANSI codes or converts them to HTML or RTF
AnyStatus Desktop
2.0.65 freeware downloadAnyStatus is a monitoring application that brings together metrics and events.
Apache Ant
1.10.14 freeware downloadApache Ant is a Java library and command-line tool
Apache Ivy
2.5.2 freeware downloadIs a popular dependency manager focusing on flexibility and simplicity
Apache Lucene for Mac OS X
9.12.0 freeware downloadPowerful search library for full-text indexing and retrieval.
Apache Wicket
10.0.0 freeware downloadMakes developing web-apps simple and enjoyable again
Apache Wicket for Linux
10.0.0 freeware downloadMakes developing web-apps simple and enjoyable again
2.11.1 freeware downloadPowerful tool for reverse engineering Android APK files effortlessly.
App Developer
8.24 freeware downloadSocialMedia driven App Developer Business Case Simulation
1.0 freeware downloadAppVisor is an app submission service for boosting your app promotion campaign
1.8.15 freeware downloadEasy to write code and upload it to the i/o board
Arduino BOARDS.TXT Editor
1.60 freeware downloadManaging your Arduino BOARDS.TXT and PROGRAMMERS.TXT files
Arduino for Linux
1.8.15 freeware downloadEasy to write code and upload it to the i/o board
Arduino for Mac
1.8.15 freeware downloadEasy to write code and upload it to the i/o board
Arduino MIDI Library
4.3.1 freeware downloadSend and receive MIDI messages
0.34 freeware downloadProvides cognitive support for object-oriented design
3.2.0 freeware downloadSupported, allowing a selection of illuminants observer types
Argyll for Linux
3.2.0 freeware downloadSupported, allowing a selection of illuminants observer types
Argyll for Mac OS X
3.2.0 freeware downloadSupported, allowing a selection of illuminants observer types
Argyll x64
3.2.0 freeware downloadSupported, allowing a selection of illuminants observer types
14.0.2 freeware downloadArmadillo: High-performance C++ library for linear algebra and scientific computing.
1.42 freeware downloadExtends Visual Studio and adds graphical view capabilities to the debugger