Development freeware downloads
CactusGUI Alpha freeware downloadAccessible Graphical User Interface for Pygame
7.25.0 freeware downloadManage your e-book library and sync to reader devices
Calibre Portable
7.25.0 freeware downloadSmall tool that can help you manage the entire library and sync your e-reader
Card Me
0.4.0 freeware downloadA Java component to help you with your development
CASH Interface Software freeware downloadCASH-Interface to connect coin and bill acceptors to the PC
Catalina Compiler
3.16 freeware downloadContains a set of C libraries and device drivers
Catalina Compiler for Linux
3.16 freeware downloadContains a set of C libraries and device drivers
2.1.0 freeware downloadOpen Source Internal Combustion Engine Indicating and Cylinder Pressure Analysis
0.14 freeware downloadHelper utility for cbz/cbr files content scaling and converting to WebP format
CCDecode freeware downloadCan be used for decoding digital public safety standards in .NET
Chemistry Development Kit
1.5.6 Dev freeware downloadJava library for bio- / chemo informatics and computational chemistry
1.55 freeware downloadChScTE IDE is a Ch IDE to edit and run C, Ch and C++ programs.
2.11.538 Beta freeware downloadCreate, manipulate and navigate classes, class relations, class members
0.3.0 freeware downloadDeveloped as a compiler for OpenCL kernel source files
ClearImage Barcode SDK
7.0 freeware downloadBarcode Recognition SDK reads 1D and 2D barcodes from images and PDF files
6.4.2 freeware downloadDesigned to perform boolean clipping operations on 2D polygons
0.104.2 freeware downloadClosedXML: Simplify Excel file creation and manipulation with this intuitive library.
3.31.6 freeware downloadControl software compilation process and generate native makefiles
2.01 freeware downloadSort text files with DOS, WINDOWS, UNIX, MAC end-of-line marks
1.80 freeware downloadA class framework for developing NT services in MFC
Code::Blocks EDU Portable
1.1.1 freeware downloadAn integrated development environment for C/C++ and C++ compiler with WxWidgets
Code::Blocks for Linux
20.03 freeware downloadThe open source, cross platform, free C++ IDE
Code::Blocks for Windows
20.03 Build Apr 3 20 freeware downloadCross-platform IDE for C, C++, and Fortran with customizable features.
Code::Blocks forMac OS X
20.03 Build Apr 3 20 freeware downloadThe open source, cross platform, free C++ IDE
5.3.231 freeware downloadTool for source code comparison within Visual Studio environment