Development freeware downloads

1Fh Binary/Hex Editor

1.18 freeware download

1Fh is program for fast opening and binary editing files regardless the size.

dotNetTools 64-bit x64

1.0 freeware download

DotNet Tools is a Suite including a dumper and a deobfuscator

5 freeware award


10.7.5 freeware download

A scripting language for developing web applications and programs

Apache Wicket

10.0.0 freeware download

Makes developing web-apps simple and enjoyable again


3.0 freeware download

Allows 32-bit Windows applications to directly access I/O ports

Miraplacid Publisher SDK

8.1 freeware download

Embed virtual printer driver into your application to make document snapshots


10.3 freeware download

An award-winning C++ development environment for building interactive


3.5.5375 freeware download

Code editor for the C/C++ programming languages


1.0.1 Beta 218 freeware download

Designed to be an Open Source C/C++ Logging API library


10.16.15 freeware download

A backward-chaining reasoner enhanced with Euler path detection


freeware download

Keep track of your applications ratings and reviews.


1.3.1 freeware download

graSSHopper: A powerful SSH client with intuitive interface and features.


1.10 freeware download

Free, fast file navigation in Visual Studio by typing partial filenames


0.21.3 freeware download

LibRaw: Powerful library for processing raw image files efficiently.

NTL for Linux

5.5.2 freeware download

NTL is a high-performance, portable C++ library providing data structures


0.17 freeware download

Designed to provide a cross-platform configurable IDE

Microsoft .NET Framework

5.0 freeware download

.NET for building any type of app that runs on Windows

Precision Helper

2.0 freeware download

Feature rich help authoring tool, that works natively with Microsoft HHP format

Multi Install

2.4.5 freeware download

Create installer to distribute your software

Adobe Photoshop SDK

CS6 freeware download

The professional image-editing standard

GTK+ for Windows x32

3.24.14 freeware download

A multi-platform toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces

GTK+ for Windows x64

3.24.14 freeware download

A multi-platform toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces

TortoiseSVN for 32-bit System freeware download

A Subversion client, implemented as a windows shell extension

TortoiseSVN for 64-bit System freeware download

A Subversion client, implemented as a windows shell extension

Quick PDF Library Lite

7.21 freeware download

Quick PDF Library Lite is a completely free PDF SDK