Development freeware downloads
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1.10.1 freeware downloadFreeBASIC is a free/open source (GPL), 32-bit BASIC compiler for Windows
FreeBasic for Linux
1.10.1 freeware downloadFreeBASIC is a free/open source (GPL), 32-bit BASIC compiler for Linux
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0.3 Alpha freeware downloadA general, open source, retargetable decompiler of machine code programs
Allegro freeware downloadAllegro is a game programming library for C/C++ developers distributed freely
Boa Constructor
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OpenWebKitSharp freeware downloadA .net wrapper for the webkit engine based on the WebKit.NET 0.5 project
4.4.2 freeware downloadExposes much of Jira’s core functions over RMI
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Whack API for Mac OS X
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Haskell Platform for Mac OS X
8.6.3 freeware downloadComprehensive, robust development environment for programming in Haskell
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2.3.2 freeware downloadA complete platform for arbitrary realtime and 3d applications
1.8.2 freeware downloadAn object factory for generic-purpose lexical analysis supporting UTF-8
MSS Code Factory
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1.5.0 freeware downloadPowerful ORM library for C++ simplifying database interactions.
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3.0.0 freeware downloadIs a collection of middleware and tools for real-time system developers
2.2.1 freeware downloadIntended to speed development of audio related utilities in .NET