Business freeware downloads
Calculadora de Sueldos y Salarios
2.1 freeware downloadA powerful program that supports Spanish payrolls
11.5.27 freeware downloadFree compact scientific tape calculator with many features: asin(2 13^ln(pi))
Calendar Magic
19.1 freeware downloadAn application that can display a wide variety of calendars
Call Center Manager
9.0.5 freeware downloadCall Center Software to manage, monitor, and track agents with real time reports
Calligra freeware downloadAn integrated suite of applications that cover office needs
CAM Template Editor
3.2.2 freeware downloadThis application will help you manage and create templates
CAM Template Editor for Linux
3.2.2 freeware downloadThis application will help you manage and create templates
CAM Template Editor for Mac OS X
3.2.2 freeware downloadThis application will help you manage and create templates
CAM Template Editor x64
3.2.2 freeware downloadThis application will help you manage and create templates
Camlytics Light
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Canadian Sales Tax Calculator
4.4 freeware downloadCalculates Canadian sales taxes: GST HST and PST today or in the past.
Canvas Shoes Theme for Page Turning Book
1.0 freeware downloadcanvas shoes theme for Page Turning for PDF and Page Turning Pro for PDF
4.6.3 freeware downloadAllows language learners to quickly snapshot
car theme PDF to Flipping Book Pro
1.0 freeware downloadfree download this car theme to decorate you flipping book
7.1 freeware downloadA phonebook program that will manage your contacts, adresses
Carnation Theme for Flipping Book Pro
1.0 freeware downloadfree download this carnation theme to decorate you flipping book
Cartoon Graph Theme for Page Flip book
1.0 freeware downloadCartoon Graph Theme for Page Turning software like Page Turning Pro for PDF
6.0 freeware downloadThis is a useful tool for making and managing sales
CashHaven for Linux
6.0 freeware downloadThis is a useful tool for making and managing sales
CashHaven for Mac OS X
6.0 freeware downloadThis is a useful tool for making and managing sales
Casual Shot Theme Templates
1.0 freeware downloadThe theme Casual Shot provides marvellous looks and feel
CBM Calculator freeware downloadCalculate your consignment volume (cbm) and weight according to expected contain
CBR to PDF converter
6.5 Beta freeware downloadConvert your CBR files with ease
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1.0 freeware downloadfreeware to convert pdf to flash file with slide effect with ease
CD&DVD Label Maker
1.2 freeware downloadfree CD and DVD label and jewel case software