Calculators & Converters freeware downloads
2plane rotor balancing calculator
1.0 freeware download2-plane rotor balancing calculator
Abacre Mortgage Loan Calculator
1.0 freeware downloadCalculate your different mortgage loan scenarios in few seconds!
Age Calculator .Net
1.0 freeware downloadAge Calculator allows you to know your age in years, months, weeks, days.
Alternate ConsumptionCalc
1.840 freeware downloadKeep your energy, water, gas consumption data well organized
Asset to Gain Calculator
1 freeware downloadDay-trading app that allows you to immediately see gain goals.
Auditor Calculator
1.3 freeware downloadCurrency calculator with tape - emulation of desktop printing calculator.
Batch Convert Tsv to Json Software
20.08.13 freeware downloadFreeware Batch convert multiple tsv files to json file format
Blackboard calculator
3.0 freeware downloadThe simplest programming environment for computational mathematics
5.3 freeware downloadScientific engineering statistical and financial calculator, with conversions.
CalcNote freeware downloadLinear calculator with support for complex numbers, using variables
6.0.3 freeware downloadComment, save and change your calculations anywhere
11.5.27 freeware downloadFree compact scientific tape calculator with many features: asin(2 13^ln(pi))
Canadian Sales Tax Calculator
4.4 freeware downloadCalculates Canadian sales taxes: GST HST and PST today or in the past.
CheckPrixa XPS To PDF Converter
1.20 freeware downloadCheckPrixa XPS To PDF Converter batch converts XPS files into PDF documents
2.3.1 freeware downloadUnit converter w/bookmarks, custom unit editor, search, inline calculator, more.
11.01 freeware downloadThe freeware CONVERT from Killetsoft converts dBase, CSV and SDF data bases.
15.09 freeware downloadThe freeware CONVERT from Killetsoft converts dBase, CSV and SDF data bases.
15.09 freeware downloadThe freeware CONVERT from Killetsoft converts dBase, CSV and SDF data bases.
15.09 freeware downloadThe freeware CONVERT from Killetsoft converts dBase, CSV and SDF data bases.
Convertir Imagen a PDF
3.8 freeware downloadThis program allows you to convert images to PDF easy and quickly.
Convertir PDF a JPG
3.8 freeware downloadThis program allows you to convert PDF to JPG files quickly.
coolnew PDF
9.0 freeware downloadCoolNew PDF offers an all-in-one experience to make PDF editing easy
1.001 freeware downloadCPU is a Cost Per Unit calculator to assist in deciding product / packet value
CrossGL Surface Calculator
1.10 freeware downloadCalculator and Currency converter gadget with rotation and scaling (360 UI).
Date Time Counter
9.0 freeware downloadFree events countdown timer/time tracker to count days, hours, minutes, seconds.