md5 file verification freeware downloads
SX MD5 Hash Generator
2.0 freeware downloadSX MD5 Hash Generator is the free desktop tool to quickly calculate MD5 hash. It can generate MD5 checksum for your file or custom text. MD5 ...
Backup verification tool
1.3 freeware downloadcpverify verifies that a file or directory structure has been copied or burned without errors. That is, the copied file(s) is exactly the same as the original. This ...
4.8.2 freeware download... to streamline the process of calculating and verifying file hashes. This lightweight yet powerful tool is an ... regularly works with large volumes of data, ensuring file integrity and security with ease. At its ...
Portable HashTools
4.8.2 freeware download... need a reliable solution for calculating and verifying file hashes. This lightweight application stands out for its ... supports a comprehensive range of hashing algorithms, including MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512, ensuring compatibility with ...
IgorWare Hasher (64bit)
1.7.3 freeware downloadIgorWare Hasher is a free and portable SHA-1, MD5 and CRC32 hash generator for files and text. It can be used to generate checksums for a single file and save cheksums in verification files (.sha, .md5 ...
IgorWare Hasher
1.7.3 freeware downloadIgorWare Hasher is a free and portable SHA-1, MD5 and CRC32 hash generator for files and text. It can be used to generate checksums for a single file and save cheksums in verification files (.sha, .md5 ...
Download Hash Verifier
6.0 freeware download... tool to verify the integrity of your downloaded file. It makes file hash verification easier and quicker with its smart features such as 'Auto Hash Detection', 'Drag & Drop File', 'Instant copy from Clipboard' etc Hash verification is ...
fHash freeware download... by Sun Junwen, is a lightweight yet powerful file hashing utility designed to meet the needs of ... that allows users to generate hash values for files quickly and accurately. At its core, fHash ...
AmoK SFV Utility
1.02 freeware download... a small tool for creating and checking .sfv files. SFV stands for "Simple File Verification" and is a standard for describing a checksum for a file list. With a sfv file you can easily ...
1.4.5 freeware downloadRHash is a console utility for calculation and verification magnet links and a wide range of hash sums like CRC32, CRC32C, MD4, MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512, SHA3, Tiger, DC++ TTH, BTIH, ...
5.1.3 freeware downloadFileBot is the ultimate tool for renaming your tv ... downloading subtitles from various sources or just simple file verification. FileBot can be launched via Java Web ...
FileBot for Linux
5.1.3 freeware downloadFileBot is the ultimate tool for renaming your tv ... downloading subtitles from various sources or just simple file verification. FileBot can be launched via Java Web ...
FileBot for Mac OS X
5.1.3 freeware downloadFileBot is the ultimate tool for renaming your tv ... downloading subtitles from various sources or just simple file verification. FileBot can be launched via Java Web ...
AUTHENTiC The Checksum Calculator
1.0.1 freeware download... is a modern (and free) tool for checksum verification. Featuring a convenient GUI and a drag and ... user-friendly, quickly letting you verify the integrity of files. Being unhappy with other hash-value calculators, I've tried ...
FileBot x64
5.1.3 freeware downloadFileBot is the ultimate tool for organizing and renaming ... subtitles and artwork. It's smart and just works. FileBot makes organizing your movies and TV shows a ...
1.9 freeware downloadFastSum is an extremely fast utility for your files integrity control. The high accuracy and speed attains ... a matter of fact FastSum is a Windows MD5 Checker. You do not have to be afraid ...
SFV Ninja
1.3.6 freeware download... which can create and compare checksums. It supports MD5, SHA-1 and SHA-256 formats. It has two verification modes. The first will verify all files in the list like any typical SFV application. ...
Fsum Frontend freeware download... to compute message digests, checksums and HMACs for files and text strings. It supports drag-and-drop and you can handle multiple files at once. The checksum generated can be used ...
Hash Generator
8.0 freeware download... It support most of the popular hashes including MD5 family, SHA family, BASE64, CRC32, ROT13, RIPEMD, ALDER32, ... etc. It can even generate hash for the file as well as text input also. User can ...
Hash Console
1.5 freeware download... hashes. It can generate hash for any given file or simple text. Hashes or checksums are used for multiple purposes including file integrity verification, encryption, password storage etc. Hash Console ...
Website change detector
2.00 freeware downloadFree Windows 10 Website change detection App Straightforward verification of individual local files or folders to a website. Easy to use ... Features: Built in site database Comparison of single files or complete folders. Page header facility Built in ...
Bitser freeware download... user interface. Bitser's interface is built around the file system with explorer style views, and features similar ... Bitser also provides a password manager and a MD5/SHA checksum calculator to verify file identity. ...