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4.6 freeware download... utility that helps format and create bootable USB flash drives, such as USB keys/pendrives, memory sticks, etc. Rufus ... small-sized app that enables users to format USB flash disks and create bootable drives rapidly. It provides ...
Portable P2DO
4.5 freeware download... to be able to run from a USB flash drive or any other portable device. This tool will ...
Portable P2DO x64
4.5 freeware download... to be able to run from a USB flash drive or any other portable device. This tool will ...
1.0.17 freeware download... be installed on a USB stick or external drive so you can take it with you and ... also store its configuration files on the portable drive. That way it will always start up with ...
fre:ac portable
1.1.7 freeware download... be installed on a USB stick or external drive so you can take it with you and ... also store its configuration files on the portable drive. That way it will always start up with ...
1.B8 freeware download... your utilities and installation ISOs on a USB flash or HDD with Easy2Boot. Easy2Boot makes it possible ... partition for customer data storage. Making an Easy2Boot Flash or HDD a highly useful tool for system ...
SanDisk SecureAccess
3.02 freeware downloadSanDisk is a popular brand for USB flash drives and users who want to make sure their ... creates a password-protected folder on your SanDisk USB flash drive, so you can share selected files on ...
SSuite Office Blade Runner
3.1.1 freeware downloadRuns from any portable memory device e.g. Thumb Drive, Memory Stick, Flash Drive, and even from your cellphone's microSD card! Will ... => unzip, copy and paste to your thumb drive, memory stick, flash drive, or hard drive * ...
Free Mac Data Recovery freeware download... documents, photos, videos, music, etc. from Mac, hard drive, USB flash drive, memory card, mobile phone, camera, external hard drive and so on. It is super easy to ...
Chromium portable
61.0.3153.0 freeware download... you can run it from an iPod, USB flash drive, portable hard drive, CD or any other portable media. You can ...
PChat Portable
1.5.2 freeware download... your friends on PChat from an iPod, USB flash drive, portable hard drive, CD, or any other portable media. It leaves ...
iCare Format Recovery freeware download... kinds of digital devices supported lik hdd, usb flash drive, memory card. Undo quick format or full format ... to recover data back from hard disk, usb drive, pen stick, memory card, laptop desktop, cellphone camera ...
1.5 freeware downloadVdrive detects removable drives like USB flash drives and memory cards, sets the environment variable VDRIVE, ... is configured to copy files to a USB drive. Though the paths and folders are fixed, the ...
1.4 freeware download... can then copy this ZIP file to DVD, flash drive, hard disk or CD for backup. Unlike a ...
iFinD Data Recovery Free
5.9.4 freeware download... supports all storage devices, Includes HDD, SSD, USB flash drive, Memory Card and more mobile storage devices. Both ... Dynamic Disk Volume Recover data from both local drives and mobile storage devices Recover documents, emails, photos, ...
iFinD Data Recovery Free
5.9.4 freeware download... supports all storage devices, Includes HDD, SSD, USB flash drive, Memory Card and more mobile storage devices. Both ... Dynamic Disk Volume Recover data from both local drives and mobile storage devices Recover documents, emails, photos, ...
1.51 freeware download... the Internet, and stores them on your hard drive under the base folder that you choose. ... Files, CSS Files, Video/Audio Files, Images, Scripts, and Flash (.swf) files. While capturing the Web site ...
WebSiteSniffer 64-bit
1.51 freeware download... the Internet, and stores them on your hard drive under the base folder that you choose. ... Files, CSS Files, Video/Audio Files, Images, Scripts, and Flash (.swf) files. While capturing the Web site ...
Action1 Block USB Ports Remotely
2.5 freeware download... lockdown of USB ports to effectively block USB flash drive usage and disable USB ports to prevent USB ... preventing users from copying confidential files to USB drives and limiting unauthorized programs and viruses brought by ...
Wind4soft Free PDF Converter
1.0 freeware download... great tool to convert PDF file to word, flash, image and PowerPoint file formats. You can choose ... need. But there is a point need to drive your attention. That is the flash format just ...
Easy USB Creator freeware download... Easy Recovery Essentials for Windows) into bootable USB drives that can be used to install or recover ... and repair environments. Support for creating bootable jump drives from Linux setup ISO images is coming soon. ...
3.7.9 freeware download... distributed all over your computer, even on different drives. Back4Sure will gather all the files you've ... a specified target directory. The folder with the drive drive letter of the source drive and the ...
MPlayer Portable
1.0 RC2 freeware download... go. You can place it on your USB flash drive, iPod, portable hard drive or a CD and use it on any ... You can place it on your USB flash drive, iPod, portable hard drive or a CD ...
Portable Back4Sure
3.7.9 freeware download... a specified target directory. The folder with the drive drive letter of the source drive and the directory structure will be automatically created ... entire audience. You can use a USB flash drive, a second hard drive or a network ...
PDFTK Builder Portable
3.10.0 freeware download... utility. You can place it on your USB flash drive, iPod, portable hard drive or a CD and use it on any ...