executed freeware downloads
Confidential Free Edition
1.0 freeware download... the hidden data is undetectable. Confidential can be executed from a simple USB key. In addition to the main web browsers, Confidential is compatible with ...
10.1.1002.2 freeware download... you decide which apps and commands should be executed with Windows at startup or at boot. If you are looking for the image file management ...
2.492.2 LTS freeware download... It supports distributed builds, enabling tasks to be executed across multiple machines, which significantly speeds up the build process and ensures efficient resource utilization. This ...
2.10.2 freeware download... - console type application that can be easily executed from various schedulers, - supports FTP and FTPS (secure FTP, explicit & implicit) - brandable version ...
JDisc Discovery
5.0 B5199 freeware download... require root access credentials in order to be executed). Extensible: Can be extended by custom inventory scripts and binaries in order to collect additional information ...
CrashDump Extractor freeware download... contains all the information regarding the last instruction executed by the software that led to the crash. It contains also all the context (understand memory) ...
Free PDF Protector 4dots
4.9 freeware download... keywords, creation date e.t.c. It can also be executed from the command line, which is useful for inclusion in scripts. The application is translated into ...
4.41 freeware download... not have to be installed and can be executed easily from the desktop and can be carried on a small usb-stick or other memory device. ...
12.13 freeware download... not have to be installed and can be executed easily from the desktop. Rename Q-Dir_Installer.exe to Q-Dir.exe and GO. It's a small famous utility for ...
Split Byte
2.6 freeware download... to the application. Split Byte can also be executed from the command line. This is useful for inclusion in scripts. Split Byte is translated into ...
cpcc - cross platform C++ classes
0.65 freeware download... class can contain its self-test code, which is executed without extra tools of unit-testing libraries. ...
1.5.2 freeware download... or console type application that can be easily executed from various schedulers and batch files ...
IOGenie Auto Shutdown
1.3 freeware download... task for like 1 minute before it is executed, which allows you to confirm the task or cancel if in case you change your mind. ...
Alternate EXE Packer
2.720 freeware download... device. A compressed file decompresses itself while being executed and can be used without this program. This program is freeware. It requires the .NET-framework 2.0 ...
Dup Scout
16.0.28 freeware download... a performance mode (the search operations can be executed at low or full speed), a file scanning mode (sequential or parallel modes are available), a ...
SysResources Manager
13.0 freeware download... · StartUp Manager. (Manage Programs that are automatically executed when windows start.). See Internet Explorer Add-Ons and System Drivers. · Program Launcher. Easily run your ...
dbForge Studio for MySQL Express
10.0 freeware download... of scripts, selected SQL fragments, and statements * Executed queries history * Context-sensitive code completion * Quick information about schema objects * Parameter information for ...