molecule builder freeware downloads
2.5.1 freeware download... most major molecular file formats. The advanced "Molecule Builder" allows to rapidly sketch in molecules and examine them in 3D. Graphics can be ... XYZ axes and the principal axes of the molecule. Animation of the normal modes corresponding to vibrational ...
Gabedit for Linux
2.5.1 freeware download... most major molecular file formats. The advanced "Molecule Builder" allows to rapidly sketch in molecules and examine them in 3D. Graphics can be ... XYZ axes and the principal axes of the molecule. Animation of the normal modes corresponding to vibrational ...
Ascalaph Quantum
1.7.12 freeware downloadThe Ascalaph Quantum package provides interfaces to ab initio quantum mechanical packages NWChem, CP2K and PC GAMESS / Firefly. Quantum calculations are performed using the PC ...
Ascalaph Designer
1.8.94 freeware download... Wire frame styles Molecular model building Crystal builder Chain Builder Drawing by mouse Geometry editing Preliminary optimization (Ad ...
1.2.0 freeware download... plugin architecture. Features: * Cross-Platform: Molecular builder for Windows, Linux, and Mac * Free, Open ... by using the mouse buttons and dragging the molecules on their three axis. Probably the best aspect ...