shoretel freeware downloads

Shoretel Account Viewer

1.0 freeware download

Shoretel Account Viewer is a small installable utility that connects to your Shoretel MySQL database and gathers data on your Shoretel environment users. This is an essential tool for ...

Shoretel Contacts Fix

3.0 freeware download

Shoretel Contacts Importer. If you have Shoretel in your corporation and have recently upgraded to ... above, you may have noticed that within the Shoretel Communicator Client the option for importing Outlook contacts ...

Shoretel Batch WAV Converter

3.0 freeware download

Convert audio to a ShoreTel compatible format. Shoretel Batch Sound File Converter for ShoreTel is a lightweight application that allows you to convert audio files and use them your ShoreTel system. Using this application you can batch encode ...


4.4 freeware download

Shoretel WAV Converter for Windows. With this program you can convert your WAV files into the correct Shoretel format ready for import for use with Auto-Attendants, ...

IE9 Compatibility Mode Enabler

1.0 freeware download

... with websites, custom built programs and also the Shoretel administration web interface. ...