independent freeware downloads
Task Till Dawn
2.21 freeware download... is written in Java and therefore basically platform independent. Currently, versions for Windows and Mac OS X (Intel) are available. A Linux version will probably ...
Task Till Dawn for Mac OS X
2.21 freeware download... is written in Java and therefore basically platform independent. Currently, versions for Windows and Mac OS X (Intel) are available. A Linux version will probably ...
1.3.1 freeware downloadStultitiaSimplex is a simple, platform-independent "soundboard" application. With StultitiaSimplex you have the silly audio clips of your choice easily at hand whenever you need them. A ...
StultitiaSimplex for Linux
1.3.1 freeware downloadStultitiaSimplex is a simple, platform-independent "soundboard" application. With StultitiaSimplex you have the silly audio clips of your choice easily at hand whenever you need them. A ...
1.0 freeware download... finds the eigenenergies and eigenfunctions for the time independent Schrödinger equation in one dimension. The application uses REALbasic's RbScript, so almost any potential energy function ...
EnergyRB for Mac OS X
1.0 freeware download... finds the eigenenergies and eigenfunctions for the time independent Schrödinger equation in one dimension. The application uses REALbasic's RbScript, so almost any potential energy function ...
EnergyRB for Linux
1.0 freeware download... finds the eigenenergies and eigenfunctions for the time independent Schrödinger equation in one dimension. The application uses REALbasic's RbScript, so almost any potential energy function ...
2.2.8 freeware download... classes allowing you to write OS and driver independent code. LibUsbDotNet - A development tool written for .NET software developers who desire a fast and ...
Elshayal Smart
23.02 freeware download... is completely developed by Arabian developers team and independent of any commercial software package. Download Maps from Google Earth, and Trace & save GPS ...
2023-06 freeware downloadEclipse is a multi-language software development environment comprising an integrated development environment (IDE) and an extensible plug-in system. It is written primarily in Java and can ...
1.0.1 Beta 218 freeware downloadPantheios was designed to be an Open Source C/C++ Logging API library, offering an optimal combination of 100% type-safety, efficiency, genericity and extensibility. Pantheios supports ...
2.4.6 freeware downloadThe advent of massively parallel sequencing technologies has fundamentally changed the study of genetics. New platforms like the Illumina GAIIx and the Roche GS yield unprecedented ...
Craquelure 3D plug-in
1.70 freeware download... various abstract patterns, decorative surfaces and construction materials.Two independent craquelure layers can be controlled to achieve an amazing variety of texture effects, from etched metal ...
Filter Forge Freepack 1 - Metals
1.000 freeware downloadFilter Forge Freepack 1 is a free high-end plugin for Adobe Photoshop and compatible hosts based on Filter Forge technology. It allows computer artists to create ...
Filter Forge Freepack 2 - Photo Effects
1.000 freeware downloadFilter Forge Freepack 2 is a free high-end plugin for Adobe Photoshop and compatible hosts based on Filter Forge technology. It allows photographers to apply various ...
Teemoon Video Matching
1.0.5 freeware downloadTeemoon Video Matching is the best way to get rid of duplicates in your video collection and keep it well-organized. Unlike ordinary deduplication utilities which are ...
1.1.7 freeware downloadJPhotoTagger is a platform independent Photo Manager. You can manage and find fast your photos through keywords, descriptions and other so called metadata ("tags"). It ...
Portable JPhotoTagger
1.1.7 freeware downloadJPhotoTagger is a platform independent Photo Manager. You can manage and find fast your photos through keywords, descriptions and other so called metadata ("tags"). It ...
0.17 freeware download... implemented in Java in order to be platform independent. The current release (0.8) adds many new features and fixes bugs w.r.t. 0.7, but it ...
0.94 freeware downloadA tool that analyzes video files and produces independent subtitle files from the closed captions data. CCExtractor is portable, small, and very fast. It works ...
ccextractor for Mac and Linux
0.94 freeware downloadA tool that analyzes video files and produces independent subtitle files from the closed captions data. CCExtractor is portable, small, and very fast. It works ...
Portable ccextractor
0.94 freeware downloadA tool that analyzes video files and produces independent subtitle files from the closed captions data. CCExtractor is portable, small, and very fast. CCExtractor ...
3.0 RC3 freeware download... is programmed in Java and is therefore platform independent. This way it serves as an inexpensive alternative to proprietary CAD software. A small core-developer ...
3.1.1 freeware download... with a clear and intuitive syntax. It is independent from any database, ORM or templating engine, and lets the programmer choose between a variety of ...
0.7.8 freeware download... conversations. Major goal is to have a platform independent implementation that can be used for free. A free VoiceXML interpreter for JAVA with an ...