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2.423 freeware download... This tool removes Desktop Hijack malware: Advanced Antivirus, Advanced Virus Remover, AdwarePunisher, AdwareSheriff, AlphaCleaner, AntiSpyCheck, AntiSpyware Expert, Antispyware Soldier, AntiVermeans, AntiVermins, AntiVerminser, AntiVirGear, Antivirus 2009, Antivirus 2010, Antivirus 360, AntiVirus Lab 2009, ...
AVZ Antiviral Toolkit
4.46 freeware download... to now be a part of the Kaspersky 2009. AVZ Antiviral Toolkit is one of the best tools of its kind and since antivirus solutions, firewall and antispyware tools are no longer ...