audio freeware in Other downloads
The Crab
0.2.0-2 freeware download... data access plugin! All of the most popular audio file formats are supported and if your favorite ... music library, nor does it care about discrete audio files - The Crab is all about music ...
0.8.2 freeware download... good natural loop points. It's mainly intended for audio samples being processed for virtual pipe organs. ... loops/cues or save as... Graphical display of the audio file waveform Add new cues and edit existing ...
LoopAuditioneer for Linux Beta freeware download... good natural loop points. It's mainly intended for audio samples being processed for virtual pipe organs. ... loops/cues or save as... Graphical display of the audio file waveform Add new cues and edit existing ...
eBooksWriter LITE
2016.33 freeware downloadWith VisualVision's EBooksWriter you can create ebooks with ease. It's a professional all-in-one (edit, protect, pack / compile) visual environment, not just a compiler: - you ...
1.5 freeware download... the time and duration of one or more audio segments and it will extract the files for you. split3pm has been tested with very ...
3.11.4 freeware downloadDownload free audio and video content ("podcasts") from the Internet and watch it on your computer or on the go. gPodder will allow podcast ...
0.9.9 freeware downloadNulloy Music Player is a small, easy-to-use application specially designed to help you listen to your favorite music. Basically all that you have to do is ...
Practice# Portable
1.6.4 freeware download... instrument with playback music. Basically it is an audio player that allows changing tempo (i.e. speed) and pitch in real time. Use it daily ...
Volume2 Portable freeware download... mouse move on screen border. It includes an audio mixer with advanced volume controls support, a scheduler, an on-screen display, command line support, the ability ...
gPodder Portable
3.11.4 freeware downloadDownload free audio and video content ("podcasts") from the Internet and watch it on your computer or on the go. gPodder will allow podcast ...
1.4.54 freeware download... become integrated amongst systems from other disciplines like audio, video, laser or special effects. CueluxPro supports many open protocols to allow you to interface other ...
CueluxPro for Mac OS X
1.4.47 freeware download... become integrated amongst systems from other disciplines like audio, video, laser or special effects. CueluxPro supports many open protocols to allow you to interface other ...
CueluxPro for Linux
1.4.47 freeware download... become integrated amongst systems from other disciplines like audio, video, laser or special effects. CueluxPro supports many open protocols to allow you to interface other ...
Volume2 freeware download... mouse move on screen border. It includes an audio mixer with advanced volume controls support, a scheduler, an on-screen display, command line support, the ability ...
8.5 freeware downloadSound-A-Speech (SAS) is FREEWARE and re-plays Jingles in an easy manner. All WAV-, WMA-, RMI-, MP3- or MID-Files may be used as Jingles and are assigned ...
0.6 freeware downloadSoundHelix is a free versatile Java framework for algorithmic random music composition. SoundHelix can generate random songs, play them (for example, on any number of MIDI ...
Shairport4w freeware downloadWith Shairport4w, stream music wirelessly to your PC from your iPod, iPad, iPhone, or iTunes. Launch the program and enter a name for the access point ...
Ultimate Music Tagger freeware downloadUltimate Music Tagger is a powerful, easy and extreme fast tool to reorganize your music library. Tag your music library with just a few click, ...
1.1 freeware downloadIf you have an impressive music library and need a way to sort your files efficiently, you should probably consider turning to third-party software solutions, as ...
Multi Media Center
1.0 RC3 freeware downloadMulti Media Center organizes your music, movies, photos, streaming and more. Navigate with your MCE remote control, keyboard or mouse. MMC is Open Source ...
Musique for Linux
1.12 freeware downloadMusique unclutters your music listening experience with a clean and innovative interface. Musique automatically fixes misspellings in titles and artist names, freeing you from the hassle ...
1.12 freeware downloadMusique unclutters your music listening experience with a clean and innovative interface. Musique automatically fixes misspellings in titles and artist names, freeing you from the hassle ...
Musique for Mac OS X
1.12 freeware downloadMusique unclutters your music listening experience with a clean and innovative interface. Musique automatically fixes misspellings in titles and artist names, freeing you from the hassle ...
432Hz Radio Smart Player freeware download432Hz Radio Smart Player is a completely new kind of multimedia player, of course since it is produced by 432Hz Radio, its primary vocation is to ...
2012r1 freeware download... and smart playlists! It automatically converts any incompatible audio or video file so that you can copy ... can be added to iPod. Convert Convert audio and video incompatible formats Google Calendars Synchronize them ...