.xml freeware downloads
XML Explorer
4.0.5 freeware downloadXML Explorer is an extremely fast, lightweight XML file viewer. It can handle extremely large XML files. It has been tested on files as big as ...
XML Explorer Portable
4.0.5 freeware downloadXML Explorer is an extremely fast, lightweight XML file viewer. It can handle extremely large XML files. It has been tested on files as big as ...
Xml Editor 2 freeware downloadXML Editor 2, view multiple documents in a single editor. Each seperate window contains its own functionality to view complex XML, CSV, text, or custom field ...
XML Model Analyzer freeware downloadTools or editors that handle UML or HARA or TARA risk analysis often use XMI as the data format. AUTOSAR uses arxml as a data format. ...
DriveImage XML
2.60 freeware downloadImage and Backup logical Drives and Partitions DriveImage XML is an easy to use and reliable program for imaging and backing up partitions and logical ...
Freeware XMLFox XML/XSD Editor
8.3.3 freeware downloadRustemSoft presents Freeware XML editing and validation tool XMLFox is a freeware editor for creating valid well-formed XML documents and/or XSD Schema. Robust XML editing and ...
Freeware XMLFox XML Editor
8.3.3 freeware downloadRustemSoft presents Freeware XML editing and validation tool XMLFox is a freeware editor for creating valid well-formed XML documents and/or XSD Schema. New version 5.0 of ...
Freeware XML Editor
8.8.3 freeware downloadFreeware XMLFox XML Editor now comes in four editions. XMLFox is free for non-commercial environments and can be downloaded without registration from www.xmlfox.com. Robust XML editing ...
MiTeC XML Viewer
6.5.0 freeware downloadPortable application that helps users open XML files, print or save data to BXM file format. Hierarchical and text preview Text searching Base64 decoding Attribute ...
PDF.co PDF to XML online
1 freeware downloadConvert PDF files into XML within a few clicks. The tool is efficient and easy. You will be able to get your documents ready and download ...
iTunes XML Shredder
1.0.1 freeware downloadiTunes XML Shredder is tool intended to take an exported iTunes music library (.XML file type) and format it. This is done so that the files ...
Leitor de Noticias (Rss/XML)
2.5.2 freeware downloadRead current news of the main sources of news in Portuguese, Spanish, English, Italian and French. New sources of news are incorporated automatically, you will not ...
Altova Authentic Enterprise Edition
v2025 freeware downloadAltova Authentic Enterprise Edition is an advanced WYSIWYG XML and database content editor that allows non-technical users to view and edit data in XML documents and ...
A7Soft csv2xml
1.01 freeware downloadA7Soft csv2xml is a powerful command line tool for converting CSV to XML. A7Soft CSV2XML is the definitive tool for developers working with XML applications who ...
A7Soft JExamXML
1.2 freeware downloadA7Soft JExamXML is an XML comparison Java based command line application. Aimed at professional java developers, this tool may be very useful for every users working ...
3.5 freeware downloadJaxe is a Java XML editor. Features include: graphical document-oriented user interface (not just tree-like), customizable user interface for a given document type, validation at edition ...
Jaxe for Mac
3.5 freeware downloadJaxe is a Java XML editor. Features include: graphical document-oriented user interface (not just tree-like), customizable user interface for a given document type, validation at edition ...
0.2.0 freeware downloadDataSetEditor is an easy to use graphical editor specially designed for XML based dataset files used by phpUnit or dbUnit. ...
0.2.8 freeware downloadA highly customizable HTML/XHTML/XML pretty-printer and fixer for Windows. ...
the M.A.D.C.A.T.
v1.2.2 freeware downloadMADCAT stands for Multipurpose Application for Data Collection And Treatment. It is a fast and light framework which can be configured to manage any kind of ...
292 freeware downloadHTML-Kit is a full-featured editor and an integrated development environment designed to help HTML, XHTML, XML and script authors to edit, format, lookup help, validate, preview ...
WD Live Info Editor
0.80 Beta freeware downloadWD Live Info Editor is a smart program that can patch and edit your xml files for the WD TV Live 3G and WD TV Hub. ...
WD Live Info Editor Portable
0.80 Beta freeware downloadWD Live Info Editor is a smart program that can patch and edit your xml files for the WD TV Live 3G and WD TV Hub. ...
Sitemap Writer
2.0 freeware downloadSitemap Writer is a light version of Sitemap Writer Pro. This is a handy tool that helps you to create and edit sitemaps for your websites. ...
11.8 freeware downloadBaseX is a light-weight and high-performance XML database system and XPath/XQuery processor, including support for the latest W3C Full Text and Update Recommendations. It supports very ...