international checkers freeware downloads
2020.11.12 freeware downloadCheckersland allows you to enjoy the game of checkers with either a computerized opponent, or with any ... also prefer the same variant as you do. Checkersland delivers on its promises and it provides the ...
2.0 freeware download... join our live chat rooms, make local and international friends, with this free game and social app. ... 8-ball Snooker rules. + Board games: Connect 4. Checkers. Chess. Othello. Battleship. Tic Tac Toe. + Thinking ...
Aurora Borealis Draughts Lite
3.6 freeware downloadAurora Borealis is a well-known checkers database program with a built-in playing and analysing ... (English, Italian, Russian, Brasilian, Czech, Pool, Spanish, Thai, International, Frisian, Spantsireti and Canadian), play with advanced computer ...