mouse.h freeware downloads
System Monitor II
31.3 freeware downloadSystem Monitor II will shows you all core CPU usage (1 Core, 2 Core, 3 Core, 4 Core, 6 Core, 8 Core, 12 Core or 16 ...
Network Monitor II
31.7 freeware downloadNetwork Monitor II is free indicator of the Internet connection for monitoring the status and activity of your connection, namely accounting for outgoing and incoming speed, ...
GPU Monitor
12.9 freeware downloadGPU Monitor is a handy Windows 10 sidebar gadget lets you monitor the most recent stats of your NVIDIA or/and ATI Desktop Graphic Card. It made ...
Cookie Monster
3.47 freeware downloadCookie Monster is a small utility designed to manage cookies created by the most usual Windows browsers: Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Firefox, Google Chrome and Opera (only ...
MWSnap freeware downloadMWSnap is a small yet powerful Windows program for snapping (capturing) images from selected parts of the screen. Current version is capable of capturing ...
2.7.5 freeware downloadRasMol is a program for molecular graphics visualisation originally developed by Roger Sayle. This site is provided for the convenience of users of RasMol and developers ...
Tux Paint
0.9.33 freeware downloadTux Paint, developed by New Breed Software, is a delightful open-source drawing program tailored specifically for young children. This software combines an intuitive interface with a ...
TED Notepad
6.3.1 freeware downloadTED Notepad is a freeware notepad replacement. Offers 435 text-processing functions, innovative features and timesaving tools in a simple light-weight interface. All of them on hotkeys; ...
Free Webcam Capture
4.4.5 freeware downloadFree Webcam Capture is professional and free webcam recording software, which helps record live webcam video into AVI video files to quickly create video messages so ...
Faststone Image Viewer
7.8 freeware downloadFastStone Image Viewer is a fast, stable, user-friendly image browser, converter and editor. It has a nice array of features that include image viewing, management, comparison, ...
102.0.4880.51 freeware downloadThe Opera for computers browser is my way to go online. It gives me a fast, secure and efficient way of browsing, crafted with individuals in ...
SSuite Galaxy Class
1 freeware downloadProvides a more uncluttered desktop, cleaner looking application interfaces, and faster software interaction. SSuite Galaxy Class runs on all Windows platforms and all hardware systems. ...
ASF Editor freeware downloadASF editor is a directstream editor for ASF and WMV files.It can handle audio files (WMA) too. It uses Asfbin for processing so it can be ...
1.3.5 freeware downloadFluxbox is a windowmanager for X that was based on the Blackbox 0.61.1 code. It is very light on resources and easy to handle but yet ...
Screen Recorder Free
10.3.1 freeware downloadScreen Recorder Free is a high performance video screen capture, screen recording tool used for recording screen activity into video files in real time. It provides ...
VLC Media Player
3.0.20 freeware downloadVLC media player is the most stable, flexible and lightweight audio and video player around today, especially when compared to others that will play unusual formats ...
Gom Player
2.3.98 B5368 freeware downloadGOM Player is a free multimedia player with popular video and audio codecs built-in. GOM Player supports file formats such as AVI, DAT, MPEG, DivX, XviD, ...
5.1.7 freeware downloadIt renders web pages at lightning speed. It works on iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, Mac, and PC. It shows you your favorite sites at a glance. ...
ProgDVB (32 bit)
7.60.9 freeware downloadProgDVB and ProgTV is two is 2 independent user interfaces which can work together from one folder at one list of channels, settings etc. ProgTV is ...
7.0.16 freeware downloadVirtualBox is a powerful x86 and AMD64/Intel64 virtualization product for enterprise as well as home use. Not only is VirtualBox an extremely feature rich, high performance ...
0.8b3 freeware downloadKompoZer is a wysiwyg HTML editor (Nvu/Composer fork) aimed towards advanced users. KompoZer is often considered as an unofficial bug-fix release for Nvu. Easy ...
1.3.5 freeware downloadRocketDock is a smoothly animated, alpha blended application launcher. It provides a nice clean interface to drop shortcuts on for easy access and organization. With each ...
Build 92, r30295 freeware downloaddigsby is a multiprotocol IM client that lets you chat with all your friends on AIM, MSN, Yahoo, ICQ, Google Talk, and Jabber with one simple ...
3.7.0 freeware downloadSylpheed is a simple, lightweight but featureful, and easy-to-use e-mail client (mailer, MUA). Sylpheed uses GTK+ GUI toolkit. The newest version of Sylpheed works with GTK+ ...
23.12.7 freeware downloadFlexible control and simple settings let you appreciate all advantages of this video surveillance program. With Xeoma Video Surveillance Software you can build a chain of ...