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S10 WebAlbums
3.2 freeware download... "wizards" and lengthy HTML generation found in other programs. The program provides drag-and-drop adding/reordering, thumbnail view, titles/descriptions, as well as photo editing capabilities - rotating, ...
S10 RedEyes
3.2 freeware download... selection tool - not rectangular as in other programs - and it smoothly removes redness, with pixel blending along the perimiter (anti-aliasing). Eye brightness, pupil ...
Internet Privacy Eraser
2.0 freeware download... activities are recorded by your own computer with programs like Internet Explorer, Netscape, Firefox, and many others. Anyone else can see where you have been ...
16x16 Free Application Icons
2013.1 freeware download... yourself using one of the widely available icon-editing programs. But that could be a hard task, if your drawing skills are low or not present ...
Imagelys Texture Pack #17
2 freeware download... textures for 3D modelling, skins for your favorite programs, and much much more. You don't have to be an expert designer to be able to ...
Big Meter Pro
3.0 freeware download... your screen and placed on top of other programs, with the opacity you have chosen. ...
IconXpert freeware downloadWhat's IconXpert for? It's a handy tool for software developers and webdesigners, that work a lot with symbols and icons. * Display of PNG, ...
24x24 Free Pixel Icons
2013.1 freeware download... yourself using one of the widely available icon-editing programs. But that could be a hard task, if your drawing skill are low or not present ...
Imagelys Texture Pack #18
2 freeware download... textures for 3D modelling, skins for your favorite programs, and much much more. You don't have to be an expert designer to be able to ...
12x12 Free Toolbar Icons
2013.1 freeware download... yourself using one of the widely available icon-editing programs. But that could be a hard task, if your drawing skills are low or not present ...
16x16 Free Toolbar Icons
2013.1 freeware download... yourself using one of the widely available icon-editing programs. But that could be a hard task, if your drawing skills are low or not present ...
24x24 Free Button Icons
2013.1 freeware download... yourself using one of the widely available icon-editing programs. But that could be a hard task, if your drawing skill are low or not present ...
24x24 Free Toolbar Icons
2013.2 freeware download... yourself using one of the widely available icon-editing programs. But that could be a hard task, if your drawing skill are low or not present ...
5.7.2 freeware downloadDGenR8 VST is a free plugin for programs rhat support Virtual Studio Technology (VST). It is also bundled with DarkWave Studio. It uses virtual analog ...
2.5.1 freeware download... Financial Services, Library & Media, Recreational Sites, Reward Programs, Telecommunications and others. Which browser do I need? AccountLogon will work with Microsoft Internet ...
3.2 freeware download... sent or received. Today's vast array of software programs, particularly those that employ multimedia - often produce files that can be quite large. As a ...
Glary Registry Repair freeware download... missing or corrupt hardware drivers, or orphaned startup programs. Registry Repair uses a high-performance detection algorithm to quickly identify missing and invalid references in your ...
Imagelys Texture Pack #19
2 freeware download... textures for 3D modelling, skins for your favorite programs, and much much more. You don't have to be an expert designer to be able to ...
32x32 Free Design Icons
2013.1 freeware download... yourself using one of the widely available icon-editing programs. But that could be a hard task, if your drawing skill are low or not present ...
2.3.1 freeware download... Uninstall directory used for the Add or Remove Programs control panel applet). This makes a perfect program to keep on your USB drive! ...
1.2.2 freeware download... Uninstall directory used for the Add or Remove Programs control panel applet). This makes a perfect program to keep on your USB drive! ...
Free Privacy Eraser
3.5 freeware download... activities are recorded by your own computer with programs like Internet Explorer, Netscape, Firefox, and many others. Anyone else can see where you have been ...
48x48 Free Time Icons
2013.1 freeware download... yourself using one of the widely available icon-editing programs. But that could be a hard task, if your drawing skill are low or not present ...
Xstar Clock
2.13 freeware download... To fix the location and hours of additional programs on the desktop, you need to close it in the right click menu and then you ...
2011.1.1 freeware download... & Videos & Weather, OffLine Web Pages, Downloads, Programs, Folders, Multimedia, Collections, Items, Appointments, Reminders, Work Cases, Customers, and various Information. ...