file x64 freeware downloads
Syncrify x64
3.9 B884 freeware downloadSyncrify x64 offers remote backup. Many competing solutions offer backup ... what makes it very unique. Syncrify x64 copies part of the file that has changed. ...
Praat x64
6.4.13 freeware downloadPraat x64 (also the Dutch word for "talk") is a ... Since Praat works solely with audio files, it’s appropriate that it offers you the means ...
ImageJ x64
1.54i freeware downloadImageJ x64 is an intersting Java based image processing application ... is multithreaded, so time-consuming operations such as image file reading can be performed in parallel with other ...
Potrace for Windows (x64 bit)
1.16 freeware downloadPotrace(TM) for Windows x64 is a utility for tracing a bitmap, which ... and the default output is an encapsulated PostScript file (EPS). A typical use is to create EPS ...
7plus x64
2.5.0 freeware download7plus x64 is a free open-source program which aspires to ... a small compilation of use cases where 7plus x64 can greatly enhance your workflow*: doubleclick on ...
Jubler x64
7.0.3 freeware downloadJubler x64 is a tool to edit text-based subtitles. It ... and 2), MicroDVD, MPL2 and Spruce DVD Maestro file formats, although it is easy to extend it ...
Ext2 Installable File System
1.11a freeware download... running and you realize that you need some files for your work which you have stored on ... disks which have been formatted with an Ext2 file system. Linux Ext3 volumes can also be ...
FileBox eXtender (x64 bit)
2.01.00 freeware downloadFileBox eXtender x64 enhances the Windows user interface in several powerful ... covered by any other windows. Tested only Vista x64 release and on Windows 7, may work on ...
GNU Prolog for Windows (x64 bit)
1.5.0 freeware downloadWhat is GNU Prolog for Windows x64 GNU Prolog for Windows x64 is a free Prolog compiler with constraint solving ... simple command-line compiler accepting a wide variety of files: Prolog files, C files, WAM files,... * direct ...
Strong DC++ x64
2.42 freeware downloadStrongDC++ for Windows x64 is a client for sharing files in Direct Connect network. It is modification of ... StrongDC++: * Safe segmented downloading Download one file from more users simultaneously without corruption! This way ...
VirtualDub (x64 bit)
1.10.4 freeware download... has batch-processing capabilities for processing large numbers of files and can be extended with third-party video filters. VirtualDub is mainly geared toward processing AVI files, although it can read (not write) MPEG-1 and ...
NK2Edit x64
3.46 freeware download... to user activity and save it into a file with .NK2 extension. In some circumstances, you ... can help you. When you run NK2Edit x64, it automatically detect the .NK2 file of your ...
FreeBasic for Windows (x64 bit)
1.10.1 freeware download... programs will require changes. FreeBASIC for Windows x64 is a self-hosting compiler which makes use of ... preprocessor, capable of multiline macros, conditional compiling and file inclusion. FreeBASIC has been rated close in ...
HyperCam (x64 bit)
2.29.00 freeware downloadHyperCam for Windows x64 captures the action from your Windows screen and saves it to AVI (Audio-Video Interleaved) movie file. Sound from your system microphone is also recorded. ...
Gimp for x64 Windows
2.10.38 freeware downloadThe Gimp for Windows x64 is the open source reference in image manipulation. ... which allow for the easy addition of new file formats and new · effect filters · Over ...
Ghostscript (x64 bit)
10.03.1 freeware downloadWelcome to Ghostscript for Windows x64, an interpreter for the PostScript language and for PDF. Ghostscript for Windows x64 is a package of software that provides: ...
WMP12 - BLUE Theme X64
freeware download... Player 12. Once you have download the file from Deviantart, navigate to C:WindowsSystem32 folder and find wmploc.dll. Take ownership of wmploc.dll. Copy ...
SIP Communicator for Windows (x64 bit)
2.10.5550 freeware download... Growl or libnotify) Drag and drop support for file transfer Integration with Microsoft Outlook and Apple Address Book Support for LDAP directories SIP specific ...
Avidemux x64
2.7.4 freeware download... cutting, filtering and encoding tasks. It supports many file types, including AVI, DVD compatible MPEG files, MP4 and ASF, using a variety of codecs. ...
ICO file format x64
2.1f1 freeware downloadICO file format allows Photoshop to directly Open and Save any Windows icon (.ICO) files. Furthermore, one can also rely on this plugin to open .CUR (cursor) files within Adobe PhotoShop. FEATURES: · Reads ...
Stexbar x64
1.11.2 freeware download... name or full path of one or more files in another application? Ctrl-C doesn't work here, that won't copy the file path but the file itself. StExBar comes to ...
DriveHQ Online Backup x64 Enterprise Edition
6.0.608 freeware download... Online Backup Enterprise Edition is the best online file & email backup solution for businesses and large ... backup from anywhere, anytime. It can keep multiple file versions and can even backup files being used. ...
MIView x64
0.7 Build 53 freeware download... images. MIView supports the following file formats: · Dicom v3 · Multi-frame, single file images · JPEG2000, JPEGLossless · ACR/NEMA · Papyrus ... graphics interchange format · TIFF - tagged image file format · PNG - portable network graphic · ...
PDFill PDF and Image Writer x64
15.0 Build 2 freeware download... retains all of the information from the original file and can be easily shared and viewed without the need for the original software. There are ...
Hamsi Manager x64
2.1.1 freeware downloadHamsi Manager x64 has been created as a simple file management tool for handling the data on the system. Hamsi Manager x64 is not what a regular user might expect, ...