stick it notes freeware downloads
PNotes.NET freeware download... covered with dusty yellow (or blue, or pink) sticky notes. If so - PNotes is right for you. Throw the physical stickies away and replace them with virtual ones on ...
3.4 freeware downloadFree TurboNote sticky note software is a handy PIM organizer and ... inexpensive way to keep organized. You can "stick" notes to your screen and send them to others ...
1.3.0 freeware download... arrange, resize, lock, search, share, print, and duplicate notes with a single click. It is a perfect tool for jotting down quick notes, creating to-dos, adding links, phone numbers, important dates, ...
Stickies freeware downloadStickies is a simulator of the classic post it notes that you stick on monitors, walls etc, it's really a work ...
Alternate Password DB
3.590 freeware download... DB can be run directly from a USB stick, allowing users to carry their password database with them and access it on any compatible device ...
3.5.0 freeware download... disk available as a bootable CD-ROM or USB stick for administrating or repairing your system and data ... Please note that you need SystemRescueCd-1.1.0 or later. Notes specific to using speakup in SystemRescueCD are available ...
5.83 freeware download... folders and URLs you frequently visit; add multiple notes, multiple, sizable pictures. Customize it to emphasize ... colors, different size pictures, picture containers and colored notes; SideSlide is designed to make a great deal ...