x64 bit freeware downloads
Funambol x64
10.0.3 freeware downloadFunambol x64 is a free internet cloud based solution that ... with the server. So, what can Funambol x64 do for our specific purpose of syncing Outlook ...
Hamsi Manager x64
2.1.1 freeware downloadHamsi Manager x64 has been created as a simple file management ... handling the data on the system. Hamsi Manager x64 is not what a regular user might expect, ...
ODIN 64-bit
0.34 freeware downloadODIN x64 is a utility for easy backup of hard drive volumes or complete hard drives under Windows. A disk image can be created or ...
Media Creation Tool x64
22H2 freeware download... need to install or upgrade to Windows 10 x64, Microsoft has released a very simple tool named Media Creation Tool x64 to allow you to download Windows 10 x64 ...
delaboratory x64
0.8 freeware downloadDelaboratory x64 is a Free Software color correction utility, it allows you to modify color/contrast of your photo in a creative way - by peforming ...
VueMinder Server x64
1.0.5 freeware downloadVueMinder Server x64 is a companion product for the Pro and Ultimate versions, allowing calendars to be shared over a local network. This product is ...
GEDCOM Validator 64-bit freeware downloadGEDCOM Validator 64-bit is a tool for checking a GEDCOM file with the GEDCOM specification. Lots of genealogy applications support GEDCOM but often there are differences ...
VICE x64
3.7.1 freeware downloadVICE x64 is a specially developed software that can execute programs for 8 bit computers. The current version emulates the C64, the ... that can run on multiple platforms. VICE x64 is a program that runs on a Unix, ...
Cyphertite 64-bit
2.0.4 freeware download... and uses the strongest standards-compliant cryptography available. Cyphertite x64 uses 256-bit AES-XTS encryption. Most cloud services can ... have Zero-Knowledge of your data content. Cyphertite x64 is your encrypted cloud backup partner, from the ...
LocK-A-FoLdeR 64-bit
3.10.3 freeware downloadLocK-A-FoLdeR 64-bit is a lightweight and easy to use program that allows you to hide and lock up any folders on your computer, making them invisible ...
FileMany 64-bit freeware downloadFileMany 64-bit is a powerful program that finds and deletes duplicate files on your HDD. This easy-to-use program is extremely effective before conducting degragmentation to secure ...
Whirlpool File Checker 64-bit
0.1 freeware downloadThis file integrity checker uses Alternate Data Streams to store the hashes of your files. So, it only works on NTFS volumes. With that, you can ...
Hola! 64-bit
1.196.780 freeware downloadHola 64-bit is a project featuring an overlay network which will change the way the Internet works - for the first time in 40 years. Its ...
WebIssues 64-bit
1.0.5 freeware downloadWebIssues 64-bit is an open source, multi-platform system for issue tracking and team collaboration. It can be used to store, share and track issues with various ...
VSLogonScreenCustomizer 64-bit freeware downloadVSLogonScreenCustomizer 64-bit is a special program designed to modify and personalize logon screen on Windows Vista/7. Administrator rights are required when working with VSLogonScreenCustomizer. VSLogonScreenCustomizer is ...
MyImgur 64-bit
3.95.2 freeware downloadMyImgur 64-bit is the most handy capture and uploader tool you’ll ever find for Windows computers. Intuitive 1-click actions and simple settings to very quickly capture ...
VSCryptoHash 64-bit freeware downloadVSCryptoHash 64-bit is cryptographic hash calculation software. Simply drag and drop files (or type the text) in this calculator and hash string for the files (or ...
VSEncryptor 64-bit freeware downloadVSEncryptor 64-bit is an easy to use file and text encryption program. You can encrypt any file or text you choose. To access the file (or ...
Funduc Software Code Format 64-bit
2.2 freeware downloadFunduc Software Code Format (FS Code Format) 64-bit is a free source code reformatter or beautifier for use by programmers. The program has options to determine ...
ThinkVantage Password Manager 64-bit
4.0 freeware downloadThinkVantage Password Manager 64-bit allows users to save passwords for Web sites and Windows applications, and subsequently auto-fills those passwords when the user visits those Web ...
Argyll x64
3.2.0 freeware downloadArgyll CMS x64 is an ICC compatible color management system, available ... also includes code for the fastest portable 8 bit raster color conversion engine available anywhere, as well ...
Hash Codes x64
1.62.780.7200 freeware downloadHash Codes x64 is a simple and easy to use application designed to enable users to hash data from keyboard, file or CD/DVD. This tool ...
Multi Commander 64-bit freeware download... popular and efficient dual-panel layout. Multi Commander x64 requires a low-to-moderate amount of system resources, so ... provided by this file manager. Multi Commander x64 includes all the standard features of a file ...
DSP Trigger Free 64-bit freeware downloadDSP Trigger FREE 64-bit is feature reduced version of DSP Trigger. It processes audio output from drum pads and converts it to MIDI without the need ...
yEd Graph Editor 64-bit
3.24 freeware downloadyEd 64-bit is a powerful desktop application that can be used to quickly and effectively generate high-quality diagrams. Create diagrams manually, or import your external data ...