internet browser. freeware downloads
Facebook Password Decryptor
15.0 freeware download... of supported applications * Chrome * Firefox * Internet Explorer * Microsoft Edge (old & new) * Opera Browser * Apple Safari * Avant Browser ...
Instagram Password Decryptor
7.0 freeware download... of supported applications * Chrome * Firefox * Internet Explorer * Microsoft Edge (old & new) * Opera Browser * Apple Safari * Avant Browser ...
Twitter Password Decryptor
11.0 freeware download... of supported applications * Chrome * Firefox * Internet Explorer * Microsoft Edge (old & new) * Opera Browser * Apple Safari * Avant Browser ...
Facebook Password Dump
8.0 freeware download... Firefox # Google Chrome # Microsoft Edge # Internet Explorer # UC Browser # Torch Browser # Chrome Canary/SXS # CoolNovo Browser # Opera Browser ...
Password Decryptor for Instagram
7.0 freeware download... Firefox * Google Chrome * Microsoft Edge * Internet Explorer * UC Browser * Torch Browser * Chrome Canary/SXS * CoolNovo Browser * Flock Browser ...
Twitter Password Dump
7.0 freeware download... Browser # Torch Browser # Opera Browser # Internet Explorer (v6.x - v11.x) # SRWare Browser # Chrome Canary/SXS # CoolNovo Browser # Apple Safari ...
Password Decryptor for Yahoo
9.0 freeware download... Firefox * Google Chrome * Microsoft Edge * Internet Explorer * UC Browser * Torch Browser * Chrome Canary/SXS * CoolNovo Browser * Opera Browser ...
Password Decryptor for Pinterest
4.0 freeware download... Firefox # Google Chrome # Microsoft Edge # Internet Explorer # UC Browser # Torch Browser # Chrome SXS/Canary # CoolNovo Browser # Opera Browser ...
Password Dump for Facebook
7.5 freeware download... Firefox # Google Chrome # Microsoft Edge # Internet Explorer # UC Browser # Torch Browser # Chrome Canary/SXS # CoolNovo Browser # Opera Browser ...
Password Dump for Twitter
7.0 freeware download... Browser # Torch Browser # Opera Browser # Internet Explorer (v6.x - v11.x) # SRWare Browser # Chrome Canary/SXS # CoolNovo Browser # Apple Safari ...
Instagram Password Dump
1.5 freeware download... Browser # Torch Browser # Opera Browser # Internet Explorer (v6.x - v11.x) # SRWare Browser # Chrome Canary/SXS # CoolNovo Browser # Apple Safari ...
Password Dump for Instagram
1.5 freeware download... Browser # Torch Browser # Opera Browser # Internet Explorer (v6.x - v11.x) # SRWare Browser # Chrome Canary/SXS # CoolNovo Browser # Apple Safari ...
Pinterest Password Decryptor
5.0 freeware download... Firefox # Google Chrome # Microsoft Edge # Internet Explorer # UC Browser # Torch Browser # Chrome SXS/Canary # CoolNovo Browser # Opera Browser ...
Yahoo Password Decryptor
9.0 freeware download... Firefox * Google Chrome * Microsoft Edge * Internet Explorer * UC Browser * Torch Browser * Chrome Canary/SXS * CoolNovo Browser * Opera Browser ...
Facebook History Spy
4.0 freeware download... history from following browsers, # Mozilla Firefox # Internet Explorer # Google Chrome # Google Chrome Canary/SXS ... Add/Remove the history URLs from all versions of Internet Explorer * 'Sort Feature' to sort the history ...
History Spy for Facebook
4.0 freeware download... history from following browsers, # Mozilla Firefox # Internet Explorer # Google Chrome # Google Chrome Canary/SXS ... Add/Remove the history URLs from all versions of Internet Explorer * 'Sort Feature' to sort the history ...
1.6.9 freeware download... porn block porn site blocker Ensure Family Friendly Internet Usage Improve Employee Productivity Enhance Learning Experience Preserve ... to objectionable websites in the real-time Impose safe internet browsing practices Block access to forums, gaming zones, ...
Gmail Password Dump
6.0 freeware download... Firefox # Google Chrome # Microsoft Edge # Internet Explorer # UC Browser # Torch browser # Chrome Canary/SXS # CoolNovo Browser # Opera Browser ...
Yahoo Password Dump
5.0 freeware download... from following applications, Firefox Google Chrome Microsoft Edge Internet Explorer Google Chrome UC Browser Torch Browser Chrome Canary/SXS CoolNovo Browser Opera Browser Apple Safari Flock ...
Password Decryptor for Apple iTunes
6.0 freeware download... Firefox * Google Chrome * Microsoft Edge * Internet Explorer * Opera * Apple Safari * Flock Browser * UC Browser * Torch Browser * ...
Password Dump for Yahoo
4.5 freeware download... from following applications, Firefox Google Chrome Microsoft Edge Internet Explorer Google Chrome UC Browser Torch Browser Chrome Canary/SXS CoolNovo Browser Opera Browser Apple Safari Flock ...
Apple iTunes Password Decryptor
6.0 freeware download... Firefox * Google Chrome * Microsoft Edge * Internet Explorer * Opera * Apple Safari * Flock Browser * UC Browser * Torch Browser * ...
Llama Stocks
1.7 freeware download... launch the web browser of your choice ( Internet explorer [default], Firefox, Chrome, or Opera ) It ... launch the browser of your choice (default is internet explorer). - Searches for default install locations for ...
Astro Player
2.0 freeware download... lyrics, supports scrobbling, fetches missing album art, plays Internet radio, supports flac, has convenient file browser with ... support Hotkeys, actions, menu, and buttons organizers Preloaded Internet Radio stations[only 1] Fetching cover arts[only from ID3tags] ...
MSN Live Password Decryptor
11.0 freeware download... Edge * UC Browser * Torch Browser * Internet Explorer * Chrome Canary/SXS * CoolNovo Browser * Opera * Apple Safari * SRWare Browser * ...