java database freeware downloads

Developer's Tips & Tricks freeware download

Database for Code Snippets (Tips and Tricks) collecting to ... C#, C++, COBOL, CSS, Delphi (Pascal), HTML, PHP, Java Script, BASIC (Visual, Just), Perl, Phyton, .INI files, ...

SSuite Office MonoBase freeware download

SSuite MonoBase database with full 32 bit ODBC connectivity. Supports SQL to any connected database for administration, command execution, and table creation. Create your own personal and custom databases. Create relational databases with unlimited tables, fields, and ...

SSuite Office MonoBase freeware download

SSuite MonoBase database with full 32 bit ODBC connectivity. Supports SQL to any connected database for administration, command execution, and table creation. Create your own personal and custom databases. Create relational databases with unlimited tables, fields, and ...

5 freeware award


10.0 freeware download

DBeauty is now part of the Jailer Database Tool Suite. DBeauty was specially developed to be a relationship-oriented database browser. The software was designed in Java and ...


1.0.21 freeware download

TinyREST allows a Java programmer to easily create a REST server without ... to start up as a service. JDBC database access as well as file system access is ...


2.4.7 freeware download

... the MVC paradigm. Data model is based on Java Beans (POJOs) and it is supported in all ... is possibile to apply this framework to develop java stand-alone applications, without an underlying database, or to ...

5 freeware award


3.19.8 freeware download

jOOQ is a Java-based database access library that allows developers to write SQL queries using Java code. It provides an efficient and type-safe way to interact with relational databases and makes working with databases easier and more ...


3.13 freeware download

... is a tools that allows users to create databases in a graphical way. The user can add ... group tables and can modify most of the database options that follow the SQL-92 standard. In addition ...


5.2.0 freeware download

... home aquarium. It has been completly written in Java with Netbeans standard IDE, that may ensure portability. It runs on every O.S. that can run Java applications and has been tested on GNU/Linux, Windows, ...

Nyagua for Linux

5.2.0 freeware download

... home aquarium. It has been completly written in Java with Netbeans standard IDE, that may ensure portability. It runs on every O.S. that can run Java applications and has been tested on GNU/Linux, Windows, ...

SQL Uniform Data Comparison and SQL Query

2.1.1 freeware download

SQL Uniform is a database comparison and SQL query software. It is a database client, graphical user interface (GUI), a helper application to relational databases of various types regarding query, data comparison, export ...

SSuite Recipe Organiser freeware download

... and easy to use kitchen recipe organiser and database for anyone wanting to start as an aspiring ... traditional cookbook's limitations by providing a simple, intuitive database to help store recipes. Easy to organize and ...


2.9.0 freeware download

... The POJava Persistence jar layers additional support for database-to-object (ORM) and object-to-xml exchanges in both directions. It depends only on POJava, so it also has ...


0.8 freeware download

The DGB is a distributed graph database, which enables the storing and querying of heterogeneous ... biological data. DGB GUI is a handy, Java based graphical front-end specially designed for the DGB. ...

KonaKart freeware download

KonaKart is written in Java and includes a variety of robust open source ... libraries used world wide in thousands of products. Java technology’s versatility, efficiency, platform portability, and security make ...

Moon Planner

1.0.7 Beta freeware download

MoonPlanner is a Java calendar that allow to view moon's phases, moon's ... attach notes (that are stored in a persistent database). At the startup the program will remind you ...

Moon Planner for Linux

1.0.7 Beta freeware download

MoonPlanner is a Java calendar that allow to view moon's phases, moon's ... attach notes (that are stored in a persistent database). At the startup the program will remind you ...

Moon Planner for Mac OS X

1.0.7 Beta freeware download

MoonPlanner is a Java calendar that allow to view moon's phases, moon's ... attach notes (that are stored in a persistent database). At the startup the program will remind you ...

CSV Loader

2.2 freeware download

CSV Loader is a useful and easy-to-use Java-based application that can help you load Excel CSV files into Oracle, MySQL, and PostgreSQL relational databases. Using CSV Loader, you can prevent the ...

BitNami Apache Solr Stack

8.3.1-0 freeware download

... full-text search, hit highlighting, faceted search, dynamic clustering, database integration, rich document (e.g., Word, PDF) handling, and geospatial search. Solr is highly scalable, providing distributed ...

BitNami Apache Solr Stack for Linux

8.3.1-0 freeware download

... full-text search, hit highlighting, faceted search, dynamic clustering, database integration, rich document (e.g., Word, PDF) handling, and geospatial search. Solr is highly scalable, providing distributed ...


2.2.1 freeware download

upscaledb (old name Hamsterdb) is an embedded key/value database engine. "Embedded" means that as a software developer, ... in C/C++, but can be used from .NET, Java, Erlang, Elixir and Python. upscaledb stores a ...

LibreOffice Portable

24.2.3 freeware download

... word processor, spreadsheet, presentation tool, drawing package and database -- packaged as a portable app, so you ... at no cost. Additional functionality including the Base database and document creation wizards is enabled by installing ...


1.0.0 freeware download

OpenSCADA is an open source Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition System. It is platform independent and based on a modern system design that provides security and ...

ETL Framework

3.3 freeware download

... open source extract transform load engine written in Java. It runs on all major platforms and can ... achieved by utilizing power of the specific target database (e.g. temporary tables, bulk load, cursors); multithreading is ...