change case freeware downloads
Action1 Change Service Start Type
2.5 freeware download... Start or Automatic. Use this free tool to change service start type remotely without using PowerShell scripts ... and you can consider disabling them. Another use case of disabling services is system hardening. Disabling certain ...
WCD for Windows (x32 bit)
6.0.5 freeware downloadWcd is a command-line program to change directory fast. It saves time typing at the ... it. Wcd has a fast selection method in case of multiple matches and allows aliasing and banning ...
WCD for Windows (x64 bit)
6.0.5 freeware download... for Windows x64 is a command-line program to change directory fast. It saves time typing at the ... it. Wcd has a fast selection method in case of multiple matches and allows aliasing and banning ...
WCD for Mac OS X
5.3.3 freeware downloadWcd is a command-line program to change directory fast. It saves time typing at the ... it. Wcd has a fast selection method in case of multiple matches and allows aliasing and banning ...
WCD for Linux
6.0.5 freeware downloadWcd is a command-line program to change directory fast. It saves time typing at the ... it. Wcd has a fast selection method in case of multiple matches and allows aliasing and banning ...
IOGenie Batch Renamer
1.2 freeware download... Batch Renamer is freeware product for you to change the name of multiple files in a flash. ... end or in the middle of file names. Change the names to upper case, lower case or ...
ChrisPC DNS Switch
4.60 freeware download... user interface to select the network adapter/card and change its corresponding DNS with the selected DNS from ... may want to protect your anonymity in which case you can select a server from the Anonymous ...
Advanced Renamer
4.09 freeware download... different methods makes it easy for you to change the names, attributes and timestamps of files in ... file names by adding, removing, replacing, swapping, changing case, or giving the file a brand new name ...
Advanced Renamer
3.84 freeware download... different methods makes it easy for you to change the names, attributes and timestamps of files in ... file names by adding, removing, replacing, swapping, changing case, or giving the file a brand new name ...
Advanced Renamer Portable
3.94 freeware download... different methods makes it easy for you to change the names, attributes and timestamps of files in ... new file names by adding, removing, replacing, changing case, or giving the file a brand new name ...
Advanced Renamer Portable
3.95.4 freeware download... different methods make it possible for you to change the names, attributes and timestamps of files in ... new file names by adding, removing, replacing, changing case, or giving the file a brand new name ...
Real Drum
7.2 freeware download... an application that gives you a chance to change your Android gadget into a drum set that ... best thing is that you can in any case play drums over them to make your own ...
7.44 freeware download... or by import from a folder. In any case, it opens different ways to bring it quickly to do. You can make files proportionally younger ...
Data redirect
4.0.46 B414 freeware download... another data source (for example, COM2). In this case the program will work as a bridge between two data sources. You may filter or change data with help of other filter modules before ...
Preferred Filter Tweaker
6.4 freeware download... the native filters is not possible without making changes to the Windows Registry. The Win7DSFilterTweaker tool ... few mouse clicks. It is quick, easy, and changes can always be undone. If you for ...
Wi-Fi Hotspot
1.1 freeware download... just after installation. You are always able to change any settings and auto-configure it again in case of environment change. Various hotspot methods It can be chosen from ...
1.5.5 freeware download... you want login to a website. Just in case a website doesn't allow to change your password, PswGen can store that password for ...
1 Click & Go
1.2996 freeware download... Microsoft Office Panel, but not lose configuration in case of a system crash. It supports the Drag&Drop ... is protected with a password and encrypted. To change a set you need only one click. The ...
1.1 freeware download... It also converts all your operators to lower case. It does not reorder the code in any ... you had better make a backup just in case this is not what you want. You can ...
WinExt Bulk Renamer
1.0 freeware download... "Case" setting, you can capitalize the first letter, change filename and / or extension to lowercase / UPPERCASE. Also, it has a preview list to ...
Free Online Html5 Catalogue Software
4.4 freeware download... the rapid development of internet and economic has change our life style in some ways. Since the ... shop online rather than go outside. In this case, if you want to expand exposure of your ...
Win KeyFinder
2.05 Final freeware download... difficult to get your hands on it in case you’re not a power user. Win keyfinder is a Small Freeware Utility that helps find Windows ...
2.33 freeware download... highly optimized data entry scheme enables fast efficient changes during manual editing. It's now easier than ever ... JPEG files or MP3 files. File Properties Changer. Features bulk file property changing capabilities. Can be ...
7.2 freeware download... the standard renaming procedures, including prefixes, suffixes, replacements, case changes, as well as removing contents of brackets, adding ...
ReNamer Portable
7.2 freeware download... the standard renaming procedures, including prefixes, suffixes, replacements, case changes, as well as removing contents of brackets, adding ...