keys freeware downloads
USB Manager
2.07 freeware download... Easy interface; Hiding in system; Password protect; Hot keys for quick using; Autorun with windows; ...
WoJ Keyboard and Mouse Emulator
1.589 freeware download... Metal war Online, Steel Ocean, VLC player Global keys, Chrome, Firefox, SolidWorks, Multimedia, Radio. User Interface: English, Russian, German and Spanish. PDF User Manual and ...
KidInspector Parental Control Free
11.2 freeware download... the child does on a device: all pressed keys (keylogging), running apps, and on smartphones it records calls, SMS, and photos/videos. But more importantly, KidInspector ...
KidInspector Parental Control Free OS X
5.0 freeware download... does on the computer, such as all pressed keys, running apps and makes screenshots of all active applications. Moreover, the program monitors the child's Internet ...
Ultimate Windows Tweaker for Win 10 freeware downloadUltimate Windows Tweaker 4 for Windows 10 has been released. This tweaking software adds several new tweaks for the new operating system. Those of you who ...
GotoHTTP for Linux
7.0 freeware download... 4. Soft keyboard support. User can send any keys to remote computer. 5. Clipboard synchronization. 6. Manage remote files, and transfer files between local and ...
Maiar freeware download... settings and bookmarks. We do not hold any keys to decrypt your data, so your data remains private. * Built-in password manager You can have ...
GotoHTTP for MacOS
7.4 freeware download... 4. Soft keyboard support. User can send any keys to remote computer. 5. Clipboard synchronization. 6. Manage remote files, and transfer files between local and ...
Windows Registry Recovery
3.1.2 freeware download... counter, owner SID, group SID, list of affected keys and list of SACL and DACL is displayed for every record with flags and permissions enumerated. ...
Maiar Browser freeware download... settings and bookmarks. We do not hold any keys to decrypt your data, so your data remains private. * Built-in password manager You can have ...
SenCopy ActiveX
2.0 freeware download... performs the task of creating and storing these keys that are special for every customer and every kind of program. While SenCopy is Freeware, KeyGemo ...
CyberCafePro Client
6.3.17 freeware downloadCyberCafePro is free Internet Cafe Software. There is no trials or registration required. There is no charges associated with downloading, using or extended use of CyberCafePro. ...
Furrball Island
1.3.1 freeware download... level. PC controls use mouse or keyboard (arrow keys, T for transport). Click mouse to jump, or click and drag to travel forward or turn. ...
Box Keeper
1.0 freeware download... Movement Player can be moved with the arrow keys (up, down, left and right). You can undo movements with Ctrl+Z and redo them with Ctrl+Y. ...
2.02.565 freeware download... user-change is used using the WIN + L keys combination, the same when the screensaver starts working. Likewise, once your session is reactivated, CyberTaskTimer will ...
1.35 freeware download... determines who is logged on by scanning the keys under the HKEY_USERS key. For each key that has a name that is a user SID ...
1.3.1 freeware download... almost any information, and more than 100 hot keys will help you quickly use all the features of the application. ...
Frantic Freddie Returns
1.4 freeware download... many bonuses in the game. Use the arrow keys to move your character around. ...
SeleniumByGUI freeware downloadWelcome! Software was developed by Tarlan Ziyadov(Technical Tester) in order to have simple Automation tool of web pages. It is completely free to use and forbidden ...
Copay for Mac OS X
9.3.7 freeware download... generation and wallet backups Device-based security: all private keys are stored locally, not in the cloud Support for Bitcoin testnet wallets Synchronous access across all ...
View MDF File Wthout SQL Server
11.0 freeware download... read data from MDF files including tables, rules, keys, views, functions, columns, triggers & classes. This tool permits the user to view & read corrupt, ...
MDF Viewer tool
11.0 freeware download... user to preview MDF file size, tables, columns, keys, rules, triggers, classes, stored procedures, functions and views. MDF Viewer tool previews all items found in ...
Phonetic Russian Keyboard Layout
2.1 freeware downloadRussian: there is no need for translit instead of Cyrillic anymore! The offered "Student" Phonetic layout for Russian typing was widely used in Windows 3/95/98 time ...
3.41 freeware downloadMultiClipBoardSlots is a small portable program that allows you to extend the Clipboard for up to 10 Clipboard Memory Slots. This allows you easily to insert ...
SysInfoTools SQL file Viewer
20.0 freeware download... supports preview of tables, classes, triggers, columns, functions, keys, indexes etc. The MDF Viewer tool supports MDF and NDF files created by almost all versions ...