chemical properties freeware downloads
Chemical Data
2.9 freeware downloadChemical Engineering/General Data app provides information on over 4000 chemical compounds from various chemical groups. The information can be saved as a ... ALL features enabled and no ads. The main Chemical Groups are :- (Only certain group type information ...
6.6.2 freeware downloadDWSIM is a Chemical Process Simulator for Windows, Linux and Mac. Built ... a rich Graphical User Interface (GUI), DWSIM allows chemical engineering students and chemical engineers to better understand ...
2021.2.2 freeware downloadACD/ChemSketch Freeware is a popular and comprehensive chemical drawing package, intended for home and educational use ... Web site further distributes the power of this chemical structure drawing package to desktops around the world. ...
23.16.0 freeware download... as well as support for bond and atom properties, molecule drawing and many more. MarvinSketch has a rich support for atom and bond properties. Users can assign stereochemistry, charge, valence, radicals and ...
0.5.2 freeware download... for Windows 10. Get comprehensive information about all chemical elements with this app. Click on an element ... page to get detailed information about an element's properties. Use the list view to sort and filter ...
Rocket Propulsion Analysis Lite
1.2.9 freeware download... and analysis results. RPA utilizes an expandable chemical species library based on NASA Glenn thermodynamic database ... propellant components, and nozzle parameters, the program obtains chemical equilibrium composition of combustion products, determines its thermodynamic ...
Rocket Propulsion Analysis Lite x64
1.2.0 freeware download... and analysis results. RPA utilizes an expandable chemical species library based on NASA Glenn thermodynamic database ... propellant components, and nozzle parameters, the program obtains chemical equilibrium composition of combustion products, determines its thermodynamic ...
1.4 freeware download... one for publication details and the other for chemical, physical and crystallographic properties Select from a choice of CIF dictionaries and ...
enCIFer for Mac OS X
1.4 freeware download... one for publication details and the other for chemical, physical and crystallographic properties Select from a choice of CIF dictionaries and ...
enCIFer for Linux
1.4 freeware download... one for publication details and the other for chemical, physical and crystallographic properties Select from a choice of CIF dictionaries and ...