freeware freeware in Development downloads


3.1.9 freeware download

EclEmma is a free Java code coverage tool for Eclipse, available under the Eclipse Public License. It brings code coverage analysis directly into the Eclipse workbench: ...

OpenWire Editor VCL

5.0.3 freeware download

The OpenWire Editor is a powerful graphical editing Delphi and C++ Builder PlugIn. The Editor provides an intuitive easy way to design and build OpenWire applications ...

BASS for Windows (x32 bit)

2.4.17 freeware download

BASS is an audio library for use in software on several platforms. Its purpose is to provide developers with powerful and efficient sample, stream (MP3, MP2, ...

BASS for Windows (x64 bit)

2.4.17 freeware download

BASS for Windows x64 is an audio library for use in software on several platforms. Its purpose is to provide developers with powerful and efficient sample, ...

BASS for Mac OS X

2.4.17 freeware download

BASS for Mac OS X is an audio library for use in software on several platforms. Its purpose is to provide developers with powerful and efficient ...

BASS for Linux

2.4.17 freeware download

BASS for Linux is an audio library for use in software on several platforms. Its purpose is to provide developers with powerful and efficient sample, stream ...

MobiXML Beta freeware download

MobiXML Editor (aka MobiXML) is a free and easy to use XML editor. It provides many easy to use features that will allow anyone to easily ...


1.3.1 freeware download

Zlib is designed to be a free, general-purpose, legally unencumbered -- that is, not covered by any patents -- lossless data-compression library for use on virtually ...

Affinic Debugger GUI

1.2.3 freeware download

Affinic Debugger GUI .aka. ADG, is designed as a graphical user interface for various debuggers. The current release is specifically targeted on GDB, the GNU debugger. ...

Affinic Debugger GUI for Linux

1.2.3 freeware download

Affinic Debugger GUI .aka. ADG, is designed as a graphical user interface for various debuggers. The current release is specifically targeted on GDB, the GNU debugger. ...

Affinic Debugger GUI for Mac OS X

1.2.0 freeware download

Affinic Debugger GUI .aka. ADG, is designed as a graphical user interface for various debuggers. The current release is specifically targeted on GDB, the GNU debugger. ...

CCDecode freeware download

CCDecode was developed as a simple, small and accessible library that can be used for decoding digital public safety standards in .NET. Currently the library can ...


26.5 freeware download

ProDelphi x64 is a tool to measure the runtime of programs written in Delphi Object Pascal. First successful industrial usage of ProDelphi was in February 1998. ...

Pismo Trace Monitor SDK for Mac OS X

23U freeware download

Pismo Trace Monitor is a Windows software development and support utility that facilitates efficient diagnostics output and logging in pre-release and release applications. It can be ...


1.0.28 freeware download

The ANDS PID Client is built as a generic client library that allows you to access the ANDS Persistent Identifier service. Now, you can use the ...

Kinect for Windows Runtime freeware download

Kinect for Windows Runtime provides a simple means of installing all the needed drives and components for end-user deployments. Thanks to the added language packs, you ...


0.620 PreAlpha freeware download

NerpaGUI was developed as an accessible, handy and unique Irrlicht system, that allows you to design Graphical User Interfaces. Now, you can easily make use ...

BlackBerry Native SDK

2.1 Beta 1 freeware download

BlackBerry Native SDK includes all of the tools that you'll need to start developing applications for the BlackBerry PlayBook tablet, including a compiler, a linker, libraries, ...

Stud_PE freeware download

Stud_PE is specially developed as an accessible portable Executables (.exe) editor and features a very user-friendly interface. Stud_Pe also features an extensive list of settings and ...


5.9.1 freeware download

WhiteStarUML is a fork of StarUML with an intent to revive its Delphi code base by updating code to recent Delphi editions, reducing dependence on third ...

Drools Planner

9.44.0 freeware download

Drools Planner (renamed to OptaPlanner) optimizes automated planning. This JavaTM open source framework can deal with NP hard planning problems by using meta-heuristic algorithms such as ...


0.9.41 freeware download

Tentacle makes it easy to Design, Develop, and Write content for the web. Its goal is to help web professionals and small businesses create fast ...

Brackets Sprint

1.14.2 freeware download

Brackets is a handy and reliable utility designed to assist developers in editing CSS, HTML and JavaScript code. Brackets features a collection of developer tools that ...

Devphone Toolkit

2.0.0 freeware download

Devphone toolkit is a collection of Windows phone Controls and tools built for and by the Windows Phone developer community. This release include open source code ...

AggreGate SDK

5.70.14 freeware download

AggreGate SDK is the development tool set that will enable you to integrate the AggreGate features in the software you create. The toolkit is crosAggreGate saves ...