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4.4 freeware download... Size Limit. Actions: Shutdown, Reboot, LogOff, Lock Workstation, Sleep, Hibernate, Monitor Turn Off, Mute/UnMute Master Volume, Hang ... screensaver. * Shut down the PC, reboot, hibernate, sleep, etc. Apart from a user-friendly and ...
NumPad Transformer
1.0 freeware download... Restart, Log Off or send your monitor to Sleep! The default configuration of NumPad Transformer is very convenient, however, if for any reason you need ...
Free Countdown Timer Portable
5.3 freeware download... set will sound even if computer goes to sleep. You can set the time in hours, minutes, seconds and an alarm will ring the counter ...
Sound Valley freeware download... even schedule some power options like the system sleep time or Windows shutdown from the same 'Preferences' window. ...
AlomWare Toolbox
0.992 Beta freeware download... such as: stopping removable drives from going to sleep; having a transparent taskbar; shifting the taskbar to prevent monitor burn-in (a nice alternative to auto-hiding ...
Virtual GirlFriend Online
3.15.26 freeware download... or jewelry. They do not need to eat, sleep, or spend hours putting on make-up. With a virtual girlfriend, there will be no whining to ...
2.8.10d.213 freeware downloadThe program shows its icon in system tray and plays real delectable sounds of a forest. A click on the icon turns on or off the ...
Flash Flip Book Theme of Sea World
1.0 freeware download... magazine, or image catalog? Do you have to sleep late in order to match suitable templates with flip versions? Would you want to own more ...
26.5 freeware download... caused by certain Delphi- or Windows- API-functions (e.g. Sleep, MessageBox, WaitForSingleObject etc.) are automatically excluded from measurement. The extremly low measurement overhead guarantees even ...
5.0.1 freeware download... off, restart, close session, lock session, administrative shutdown/restart, sleep and hibernate. * Immediate shutdown and session lock from the taskbar icon menu. * Several security ...
2.2 freeware download... :: user confirmation Energy management :: ACPI sleep jobs and wake on LAN :: router configuration management (under development) Open source :: available ...
Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2 32-bit
freeware download... improves performance for Wi-Fi connections after resuming from sleep mode. * SP2 includes updates to the RSS feeds sidebar for improved performance and responsiveness. ...
Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2 x64-based 64-bit
freeware download... improves performance for Wi-Fi connections after resuming from sleep mode. * SP2 includes updates to the RSS feeds sidebar for improved performance and responsiveness. ...
FoxyTunes for Mozilla
4.3.6 freeware download... any language, supports Unicode * Alarm Clock and Sleep Timer * No third-party controller applications and plugins - everything is done efficiently by the FoxyTunes ...
FoxyTunes for Internet Explorer
2.6 freeware download... any language, supports Unicode · Alarm Clock and Sleep Timer · No third-party controller applications and plugins - everything is done efficiently by the FoxyTunes ...
BioSig for Octave and Matlab
2.92 freeware download... Neuroinformatics, brain-computer interfaces, neurophysiology, psychology, cardiovascular systems and sleep research. The aim of the BioSig project is to foster research in biomedical signal processing by ...
Total Commander Ultima Prime
8.9 freeware downloadTotal Commander Ultima Prime is a collection of the software and customized settings sets gathered in one installation package for enhancing Total Commander (file manager) possibilities. ...
TapinRadio freeware download... stations * Show your favorites in groups * Sleep timer to shutdown TapinRadio or even your computer! ...
Blues Media Player
24.08.2013 freeware download... control the state of your computer such as Sleep, Hibernate, Log Off, Lock, Shutdown, etc. This means ... as either an alarm clock or as a sleep aid. It's great that the program is intuitive ...
Wi-Fi Hotspot
1.1 freeware download... is a way to choose an appropriate one. Sleep mode support It restores hotspot if it was active before sleep mode VPN integration Lite VPN integration allows to ...
Start Screen Unlimited freeware download... shut down your computer or put it to sleep mode, launch applications or open frequently used documents from a convenient pop-up menu. Start Screen Unlimited ...
GOM Audio freeware download... with user convenience in mind. It features a sleep timer, which allows users to set a specific time for the player to shut down, making ...
Halotea Free
1.502 freeware download... children, who want inner balance, who want to sleep peacefully. With the help of sounds we can either stimulate person's nervous system or calm it ...
Well of Souls
A91 freeware downloadWell of Souls is Synthetic Reality's FREE multi-player Role Playing Game (MMORPG). It is extensible through a simple scripting language so that you can compose your ...
1.0 freeware download... and likes to settle on your lap and sleep, cats are the best choice. Other animals are also so cute and you can take as ...