linux freeware downloads
4k Video to MP3 for Linux freeware download4K Video to MP3 helps to get audio from any video you want just in one click. No annoying settings, nothing superfluous. Add the video and ...
Zekr for Linux
1.1.0 freeware downloadZekr Qur'an was made with coding made for Windows, giving it the feel of any other Windows application. It is fully featured with advanced searching, navigation, ...
BitNami Apache Solr Stack for Linux
8.3.1-0 freeware downloadBitNami Apache Solr Stack greatly simplifies the deployment of Apache Solr and its required dependencies. It can be deployed using a native installer, as a virtual ...
MyShelf Desktop for Linux
1.1 freeware downloadMyShelf is your personal shelf for notes, pictures, links, text snippets of any kind. You have them with you at all times - in your mobile, ...
Ctrax for Linux
0.5.19b freeware downloadCtrax is an open-source, freely available, machine vision program for estimating the positions and orientations of many walking flies, maintaining their individual identities over long periods ...
NAnt for Linux
0.92 freeware downloadNAnt was specially designed to be an accessible and Open-Source .NET build tool. This application resembles Ant. NAnt is different. Instead of a model where ...
Apache Wicket for Linux
10.0.0 freeware downloadWith proper mark-up/logic separation, a POJO data model, and a refreshing lack of XML, Apache Wicket makes developing web-apps simple and enjoyable again. Swap the boilerplate, ...
Putani PKI Explorer for Linux
1.0.0 freeware downloadPutani PKI Explorer is an easy to use and handy application that allows you to easily manage all your Java keystores and explore PKI objects, such ...
jlGui for Linux
3.0 freeware downloadjlGui is a graphical music player that supports JavaSound capabilities : WAV, AU, AIFF, SPEEX, MP3 thanks to our MP3SPI and OGG Vorbis through our VorbisSPI. ...
enCIFer for Linux
1.4 freeware downloadThe Crystallographic Information File (CIF) is the internationally agreed standard file format for information exchange in crystallography. The CIF standard is supported, maintained and developed by ...
MQ File Mover for Linux & Mac OS X
4.1.8 freeware downloadThe MQ File Mover v4.1.5 (MQFM) application is a managed file transfer solution that facilitates the transfer of files using IBM's WebSphere MQ (aka MQSeries). MQFM ...
Minimum Profit for Linux
5.61 freeware downloadMinimum Profit is a reliable and highly-featured text editor designed especially for programmers. Features: Fully scriptable using a C-like scripting language. Unlimited undo levels. ...
Moon Planner for Linux
1.0.7 Beta freeware downloadMoonPlanner is a Java calendar that allow to view moon's phases, moon's signs (constellations in which the moon is), and show the part of the plant ...
GazeParser for Linux
0.10.0 freeware downloadGazeParser, a simple software that was developed to offer an accessible environment to help record and analyze human eye movement. GazeParser is a software that's been ...
Apriori for Linux
5.73 freeware downloadA program to find association rules and frequent item sets (also closed and maximal as well as generators) with the Apriori algorithm (Agrawal et al. 1993), ...
Parallels Transporter Agent for Linux
8.0 B18483 freeware downloadUse your Windows documents, pictures, music, downloads, and Internet bookmarks on your Mac without installing Windows. Parallels Transporter for App Store is all new! Parallels ...
DepthView for Linux
1.04 freeware downloadDepthView is a basic stereoscopic 3D image viewer for .jps and .pns files. It supports anglaph (full-color, half-color, and greyscale), side-by-side (with mirror), interlaced (horizontal and ...
Transfer on LAN for Linux
0.6.1 freeware downloadTransfer on LAN is a software that allows multiple users to transfer files (or folders) on a local network. It is cross-platform (it works with Java ...
MongoDB for Linux
4.0.28 freeware downloadMongoDB (from "humongous") is a scalable, high-performance, open source NoSQL database. Written in C++, MongoDB features: Document-Oriented Storage » JSON-style documents with dynamic schemas offer ...
Economix for Linux
3.3.0 freeware downloadEconomix is a useful and performant application developed to help users to manage, store, print and export their bank accounts. If you want to start ...
Pencil for Linux
3.1.1 freeware downloadPencil is built for the purpose of providing a free and open-source GUI prototyping tool that people can easily install and use to create mockups in ...
LongoMatch for Linux
1.0.2 freeware downloadLongoMatch is a useful and reliable application developed to be a sport video analysis tool for coaches and sports scientists and to assist them on making ...
SubiT for Linux
2.2.5 freeware downloadDesigned as a small and user-friendly instrument, SubiT Portable can be used to search and download the movie subtitles you need. Now, you can download ...
Eclat for Linux
3.76 freeware downloadA program to find frequent item sets (also closed and maximal as well as generators) with the eclat algorithm (Zaki et al. 1997), which carries out ...
BitNami ownCloud Stack for Linux
10.3.2-0 freeware downloadBitNami ownCloud provides all-in-one free native installers, virtual machines and Amazon Cloud Images that simplify the ownCloud installation and hosting. The stacks include a pre-configured version ...