anonymizer freeware downloads

Chrome Privacy Guard freeware download

Google’s browser “Chrome” has raised a big wave of people that mistrust the new browser. A big point for this is the unique ID that will ...

TOR for Mac OS X

13.5 freeware download

Protect your privacy. Defend yourself against network surveillance and traffic analysis. * Tor prevents people from learning your location or browsing habits. * Tor is ...


0.7 Build 53 freeware download

... to include useful tools such as a DICOM anonymizer and format conversion utility. MIView can read DICOM, Analyze/Nifti, and raster images, and can write Analyze/Nifti ...

MIView x64

0.7 Build 53 freeware download

... to include useful tools such as a DICOM anonymizer and format conversion utility. MIView can read DICOM, Analyze/Nifti, and raster images, and can write Analyze/Nifti ...

Free VPN Test

1.1 freeware download

Is your VPN leaking your private DNS traffic? Your ISP, governments, WiFi hotspot providers and other users on your WiFi hotspot can all see all your ...


1.2.2 freeware download

... - two kinds of them! magnifying lens anonymizer (pixelization of regions of screen you want to keep private) cropping moving shapes around on screen ...