based freeware downloads

Ivideon Server

3.14.0 Build 11543 freeware download

Ivideon Server by Mobile Video Solutions is a robust and versatile software designed to meet the diverse needs of both personal and professional security surveillance. This ...

Alice for Mac OS X freeware download

Alice is an innovative block-based programming environment that makes it easy to create animations, build interactive narratives, or program simple games in 3D. Unlike many of ...

Alice for Linux freeware download

Alice is an innovative block-based programming environment that makes it easy to create animations, build interactive narratives, or program simple games in 3D. Unlike many of ...


10.1.1002.2 freeware download

... a GUI frontend of DISM, but it is based on low-level Component Based Servicing (CBS) interface instead of DISM API or ...


1.0.4 freeware download

EpubCloud is a combination of the Cloud Storage and EPUB Reader that allows hosting, storing, and sharing EPUB files for their further reading from various devices, ...

Simpli-File Renamer

1.6.0 freeware download

... as many files or folders as you want based on many options of criteria for renaming. You can rename files and folders by: 1. Replacing ...


5.2.1 freeware download

TeamTalk is a voice and video enabled conferencing system which enables a group of people to collaborate and share information. Every member of a group can ...

Simpli-File Split and Merge

1.6.0 freeware download

Do you have lists that you need to split up or many files that you want to put into one? This might be the perfect program ...


2.1.5 freeware download

SVEditor is a SystemVerilog development environment for Eclipse. It provides a colorizing editor for SystemVerilog with support for content assist and cross-linking between SystemVerilog files. ...

Open Teradata Viewer

0.29b freeware download

A database administration tool, suitable as front-end for your Teradata relational database. Used to easily query, update and administer your database, create reports and synchronize data. ...


5.3.2 freeware download

GNomEx is Genomic LIMS and Analysis Project Center designed by the Huntsman Cancer Institute for use by microarray and next generation sequencing core facilities and large ...


0.2.7 freeware download

SpliceGrapher predicts alternative splicing patterns and produces splice graphs that capture in a single structure the ways a gene's exons may be assembled. It enhances gene ...


5.2.0 freeware download

Nyagua is a little piece of software that may help you to manage your home aquarium. It has been completly written in Java with Netbeans standard ...

Nyagua for Linux

5.2.0 freeware download

Nyagua is a little piece of software that may help you to manage your home aquarium. It has been completly written in Java with Netbeans standard ...

JXplorer freeware download

JXplorer is a fully functional LDAP client with advanced security integration and support for the more difficult and obscure parts of the LDAP protocol. It has ...

StrokesPlus freeware download

We all love shortcuts. Whether it's a faster route to work, pressing 0 to talk to a human being instead of listening to an automated ...

StrokesPlus Portable freeware download

We all love shortcuts. Whether it's a faster route to work, pressing 0 to talk to a human being instead of listening to an automated ...

The Adventures of Batman and Robin

freeware download

... Batman & Robin is a side-scrolling action game based on the animated series of the same name (after being renamed). Despite Robin’s more passive and ...

CodeBot Adapter

b8 Alpha freeware download

The CBA is a Java-based Library to interact with the CodeBot Forum (homepage You can read/send Messages from/to the ShoutBox, read/write Topics, get informations about members ...


1.019 freeware download

... radio. A 'Text Message' system which enables Radio based computers to send one-line emails and TXT messages to mobile phones. All data, tracking information, events, ...

Projectile Motion (Galileo and Newton)

freeware download

The EJS Projectile Motion (Galileo and Newton) Model presents two different views of projectile motion. The first view, associated with Galileo, describes projectile motion as a ...


1.00 freeware download

The program shows strange attractor. The static image is not enough interestingly, but when it is transformed at change of parameters... Is on what to look. ...


1.0.21 freeware download

TinyREST allows a Java programmer to easily create a REST server without having to install a J2EE server. Creating a new server is as easy as ...


2.3.0-31 freeware download

Image with three graphs: Dispersion graph, related to ABK and CMJ jumps on an IUB (arms using index). Stripchart, related to SJ and CMJ jumps ...

Razer Synapse for Mac

2.0 freeware download

Synapse 2.0 is a groundbreaking application that instantly stores your custom settings and Razer add-ons online in the cloud and lets you retrieve them at will ...